Overview of All division assignment

On October 18, 2023, Genesys Cloud introduced the All division, which will be available as the default option for some configuration objects that are division-aware. When Genesys Cloud extends division awareness to new object types, the existing objects in your Genesys Cloud organization will be accessible to all users, regardless of a user’s division assignment. If you want to restrict access to an object, you can assign the object to a division.

For example, upon the release of division awareness for secondary statuses, all existing secondary statuses in your organization are accessible to all users, regardless of division assignment. In the Genesys Cloud UI, you can see that the object’s division assignment is All. An administrator can then assign the secondary statuses to their division of choice.

Prior to the launch of the All division assignment, all the division-aware objects were automatically assigned to the Home division by default. Now, with the implementation of the All division feature, all the objects currently in the Home division are switched to the All division category. This change enables you to subsequently assign these objects to specific divisions as needed, and vice versa.

Some object types may not be assignable to All divisions:

  • Call routing objects
  • Coaching appointments
  • Contact lists
  • Data tables
  • Do not contact lists
  • Emergencies
  • Extensions
  • Flows
  • Flow milestones
  • Flow outcomes
  • Learning modules
  • Management units
  • Message routing objects
  • Outbound campaigns
  • Queues
  • Schedules
  • Schedule groups
  • Users

For more information, see Divisions overview, Add secondary statuses for a primary status, and Assign division to existing secondary statuses.