Use grammars in your Architect bot flow slots

  • Genesys Cloud CX 2 or Genesys Cloud CX 3 license
  • Architect > Grammar > Add, Delete, Edit, View permissions

After you install your third-party ASR engine, for example Nuance Recognizer as a Service integration, and create grammars from that ASR engine, you can use them in your Architect bot flow slots.

Note: For more information about how to create slots and slot types, see Use built-in slot types in a bot flow and Use custom list slot types in a bot flow.

Nuance Recognizer ASR engine slot

Add a new slot and use your third-party ASR engine grammar:

  1. Create grammars from your third-party ASR engine.
  2. Open an existing bot flow in Architect, or create a new one.
  3. Under the Natural Language Understanding menu, click Slots. The Add Slot page opens.
  4. Under Slot Name, give the slot a meaningful name.
  5. Under Associated Slot Type, select the preferred slot type.
    • Existing
    • New List
    • New RegEx
    • New Dynamic
  6. Under Engine, select your third-party ASR engine.
  7. Under Grammar, select the previously stored grammar for the slot.
  8. Click Save.