Reset and assign a development and feedback module again


  • Master admin role with the following permissions:
    • Learning > Assignment > All
    • Learning > Module > All
    • Learning > Rule > All


  • Performance admin role with the following permissions:
    • Learning > Assignment > Add, Delete, Reset, View
    • Learning > Module > Add, Archive, Delete, Edit, Publish
    • Learning > Rule > Edit, View

As a supervisor, you can reset a module when an agent makes a mistake and assign a module again to determine an agent’s progress. By requiring the agent to take the module again, you can keep track of their attempts and scores and evaluate the agent’s progress. Completing multiple instances of the same module can show increases or decreases in knowledge and capability.

  • After you reset a module, all records of the module are deleted for the specific agent.
  • The reset option only appears after the module is started.
  • Only the latest (most recent) module assignment can be reset.

      To reset a module to a single agent:

      1. Click Performance > Workspace > Employment Engagement > Agent Development.
      2. Select the required agent. The Agent development detail view appears with a list of learning modules assigned to the agent.
      3. Click the more icon associated with the module that you want to reset.
      4. Click the Reset Module icon.


      • After you assign a module again, the data about the previous attempt is saved. 
      • You can only reassign a module to the same agent.
      • If a module has a Not Complete status, you cannot reassign it.

        To reassign a module to a single agent:

        1. Click Performance > Workspace > Employment Engagement > Agent Development.
        2. Select the required agent. The Agent development detail view appears with a list of learning modules assigned to the agent.
        3. Click the more icon associated with the module that you want to reset.
        4. Click the Assign Again icon. The assign module window appears.
        5. To set the schedule:
          • Turn on the Use Schedule toggle button.
            Note: This option adds the training to the agent’s schedule.
            1. Select the date range in which you want the agent to take the training and the duration of the appointment.
            2. Click Check and then select a time slot. In the calendar on the right side of the screen, you can see the best available time slot options as well as the schedule for the agent.
              Note: If the agent is associated with a Workforce Management Business Unit, 10 optimal time slots appear.
          • Use the Complete by field to select the date and time by which the agent must complete the module.
        6. Click Next.
        7. Review the details and click Confirm.

          The following table lists the possible scenarios that can occur when you select to assign a module again.

          Module status Overdue New version Result
          Assigned No N/A The current module is moved to the date of the new assignment.
          Assigned Yes N/A The current module is overdue and changed to Not Completed.
          In Progress No No The In Progress module date is changed to the date of the new assignment.
          In Progress No Yes The In Progress module is deleted and a new module is assigned.
          In Progress Yes N/A The module status is changed to Not Complete and the same module is assigned again.
          Completed No N/A The module is assigned.

          • An agent who no longer meets the rule logic will not be assigned the module again when it is assigned to the group.
          • You can reassign a module to a group of agents only if that module has active auto-assignment rules. 
          • The assign again functionality impacts only the users inside the preset rules.

          To reassign a module to a group of agents:

          1. Click Admin.
          2. Under Performance & Engagement, click Development and Feedback.
            All the created modules are listed.
          3. Click the more icon associated with the module you want to reassign.
          4. Select Assign-Again. A Confirm Assign Again popup window appears.
          5. Click Yes, Assign Again.