Architect flows overview

A flow author creates a flow to dictate how an interactive voice response application handles callers or call recipients. Typical flow components include the how the caller connects to the application, options and inputs provided to the caller, and the application’s response to these inputs. For example, an inbound or outbound flow handles a call after it has been connected to a running version of a published flow. 

When a flow author creates and publishes a flow comprised of menus presented to a caller, Architect performs logic based on caller entry or data dips or lookups, provide self-service functionality or transfer the call. Architect provides a development environment that allows a flow author to implement the logic of what they want a caller to hear.

When interactions arrive, Architect filters them by flows and processed by the flow that matches the interaction. For example, an incoming call to the Marketing department is matched to a flow for Marketing’s 800 number. Architect routes the call to a selected menu, based on whether or not the call was received during working hours, at night, or during a company holiday.

Note: To determine which flow Architect runs for a particular incoming interaction, see Call routing overview and About message routing.

Depending on the Architect user editor or admin permission assigned to your role, you can create, view, edit, and manage flows and call prompts. Architect authors only design the logic of how to handle an incoming call (typically an IVR); they do not specify which flow is processed for a call.

Localized content in new flows

Localization is driven by the language in which Architect runs. When you create a new flow in Architect, Architect localizes the following parts of the newly-created flow as follows:

Based on the language Architect is running on:

  • The name on the main menu
  • The name on the disconnect menu choice

Based on the default supported language of the flow:

  • The example TTS value for Initial Greeting and Menu Prompt