Add Workforce Engagement Management to your subscription


Any of the following Billing permissions:

  • Genesys Cloud CX 1 WEM Add-on II, Genesys Cloud CX 2 WEM Add-on I, Genesys Cloud CX 1, Genesys Cloud CX 2 or Genesys Cloud CX 3 license
  • Billing > All Permissions
  • Billing > Subscription > Add
  • Billing > Subscription > View

Upgrade your subscription to include Workforce Engagement Management (WEM). If you are a Genesys Cloud CX 1 or Genesys Cloud CX 2 customer, you can access Genesys Cloud CX 3-level WEM capabilities for a subset of users by upgrading with the WEM add on.

Organization are billed for the following two scenarios:

  • Administrator role (permission) – All users who have administrator permissions for WEM related capabilities will be billed for the WEM add on product. See the notes section below for a list of the permissions.
  • Agent use – All users who are the subject of WEM related capabilities will be billed for the WEM add on. The following is a list of some of the features that will be billed when used.
    • When a schedule is created for the agent using the WFM Scheduler.
    • When an evaluation is assigned to an agent. This only applies if your base license is Genesys Cloud CX 1. Quality Management is included in Genesys Cloud CX 2.
    • When a web survey for an agent is sent for feedback.
    • When a call is transcribed using Genesys Native Voice Transcription or a digital interaction topic is spotted for any agents associated with the interaction.
    • When a call is transcribed using Extended Voice Transcription Services (EVTS) and a topic is spotted for any agents associated with the interaction (in addition to EVTS charges). For more information, see How much does Extended Voice Transcription Services cost?
    • When a coaching session is scheduled for an agent.
    • When a module is assigned to an agent.
    • When a gamification point is generated for an agent.

Existing Genesys direct customers can add the Genesys Cloud WEM Upgrades by navigating to the Genesys AppFoundry.

  • If you are a Genesys Cloud partner or partner customer, navigate to the Genesys AppFoundry. Reach out to your sales representative to explore further.
  • Administrative users with Master Admin, Performance Management Admin, Quality Admin, or Quality Evaluator type roles may be billed immediately for the WEM Upgrades once your org is upgraded. Check your roles and remove the following permissions to prevent incorrect billing: 
Genesys Cloud CX 1 WEM Add-on II Genesys Cloud CX 2 WEM Add-on I
  analytics > speechAndTextAnalyticsAggregates > view     analytics > speechAndTextAnalyticsAggregates > view  
  analytics > surveyAggregate > view     analytics > surveyAggregate > view  
  coaching > appointment > add     coaching > appointment > add  
  coaching > appointment > delete     coaching > appointment > delete  
  coaching > appointment > edit     coaching > appointment > edit  
  coaching > appointmentStatus > edit     coaching > appointmentStatus > edit  
  employeePerformance > externalMetricData > add     employeePerformance > externalMetricData > add  
  employeePerformance > externalMetricDefinition > view     employeePerformance > externalMetricDefinition > view  
  employeePerformance > externalMetricDefinition > add     employeePerformance > externalMetricDefinition > add  
  employeePerformance > externalMetricDefinition > edit     employeePerformance > externalMetricDefinition > edit  
  employeePerformance > externalMetricDefinition > delete     employeePerformance > externalMetricDefinition > delete  
  learning > assignment > add     learning > assignment > add  
  learning > coverart > upload     learning > coverart > upload  
  learning > coverart > view     learning > coverart > view  
  learning > module > add     learning > module > add  
  learning > module > edit     learning > module > edit  
  learning > module > delete     learning > module > delete  
  learning > rule > edit     learning > rule > edit  
  quality > calibration > add     quality > survey > delete  
  quality > calibration > delete     quality > survey > edit  
  quality > calibration > edit     quality > survey > view  
  quality > calibration > view     quality > surveyForm > add  
  quality > evaluation > add     quality > surveyForm > delete  
  quality > evaluation > delete     quality > surveyForm > disable  
  quality > evaluation > edit     quality > surveyForm > edit  
  quality > evaluation > editScore     speechAndTextAnalytics > topic > view  
  quality > evaluationForm > add     speechAndTextAnalytics > topic > add  
  quality > evaluationForm > delete     speechAndTextAnalytics > topic > delete  
  quality > evaluationForm > edit     speechAndTextAnalytics > topic > edit  
  quality > survey > delete     speechAndTextAnalytics > program > view  
  quality > survey > edit     speechAndTextAnalytics > program > add  
  quality > survey > view     speechAndTextAnalytics > program > delete  
  quality > surveyForm > add     speechAndTextAnalytics > program > edit  
  quality > surveyForm > delete     speechAndTextAnalytics > program > publish  
  quality > surveyForm > disable     speechAndTextAnalytics > settings > view  
  quality > surveyForm > edit     speechAndTextAnalytics > settings > edit  
  speechAndTextAnalytics > topic > view     speechAndTextAnalytics > topic > publish  
  speechAndTextAnalytics > topic > add     speechAndTextAnalytics > feedback > view  
  speechAndTextAnalytics > topic > delete    speechAndTextAnalytics > feedback > add  
  speechAndTextAnalytics > topic > edit     speechAndTextAnalytics > feedback > delete  
  speechAndTextAnalytics > program > view     speechAndTextAnalytics > category > view  
  speechAndTextAnalytics > program > add     speechAndTextAnalytics > category > add  
  speechAndTextAnalytics > program > delete     speechAndTextAnalytics > category > delete  
  speechAndTextAnalytics > program > edit     speechAndTextAnalytics > category > edit  
  speechAndTextAnalytics > program > publish     wfm > adhocForecast > add  
  speechAndTextAnalytics > settings > view     wfm > adhocForecast > view  
  speechAndTextAnalytics > settings > edit     wfm > adhocModel > add  
  speechAndTextAnalytics > topic > publish     wfm > adhocModel > view  
  speechAndTextAnalytics > feedback > view     wfm > agentSchedule > sync  
  speechAndTextAnalytics > feedback > add     wfm > agentAdherenceExplanation > submit  
  speechAndTextAnalytics > feedback > delete     wfm > adherenceExplanation > add  
  speechAndTextAnalytics > category > view     wfm > adherenceExplanation > notify  
  speechAndTextAnalytics > category > add     wfm > adherenceExplanation > edit  
  speechAndTextAnalytics > category > delete     wfm > adherenceExplanation > view  
  speechAndTextAnalytics > category > edit     wfm > businessUnit > add  
  wfm > activityCode > add     wfm > businessUnit > delete  
  wfm > activityCode > delete     wfm > businessUnit > edit  
  wfm > activityCode > edit     wfm > businessUnit > search  
  wfm > activityCode > view     wfm > businessUnit > view  
  wfm > agentAdherenceExplanation > submit     wfm > historicalAdherence > view  
  wfm > adherenceExplanation > add     wfm > historicalData > upload  
  wfm > adherenceExplanation > notify     wfm > intraday > view  
  wfm > adherenceExplanation > edit     wfm > planningGroup > add  
  wfm > adherenceExplanation > view     wfm > planningGroup > delete  
  wfm > adhocForecast > add     wfm > planningGroup > edit  
  wfm > adhocForecast > view     wfm > planningGroup > view  
  wfm > adhocModel > add     wfm > realtimeAdherence > view  
  wfm > adhocModel > view     wfm > schedule > generate  
  wfm > agent > edit     wfm > schedulingrequest > add  
  wfm > agent > view     wfm > schedulingrequest > view  
  wfm > businessUnit > add     wfm > serviceGoalGroup > add  
  wfm > businessUnit > delete     wfm > serviceGoalGroup > delete  
  wfm > businessUnit > edit     wfm > serviceGoalGroup > edit  
  wfm > businessUnit > search     wfm > serviceGoalGroup > view  
  wfm > businessUnit > view     wfm > serviceGoalTemplate > add  
  wfm > historicalAdherence > view     wfm > serviceGoalTemplate > delete  
  wfm > historicalData > upload     wfm > serviceGoalTemplate > edit  
  wfm > intraday > view     wfm > serviceGoalTemplate > view  
  wfm > managementUnit > add     wfm > shiftTradeRequest > edit  
  wfm > managementUnit > delete     wfm > shiftTradeRequest > view  
  wfm > managementUnit > edit     wfm > shortTermForecast > add  
  wfm > managementUnit > search     wfm > shortTermForecast > delete  
  wfm > managementUnit > view     wfm > shortTermForecast > edit  
  wfm > planningGroup > add     wfm > shortTermForecast > view  
  wfm > planningGroup > delete     wfm > timeOffRequest > add  
  wfm > planningGroup > edit     wfm > timeOffRequest > delete  
  wfm > planningGroup > view     wfm > timeOffRequest > edit  
  wfm > publishedSchedule > view     wfm > timeOffRequest > view  
  wfm > realtimeAdherence > view     wfm > workPlan > add  
  wfm > schedule > add     wfm > workPlan > delete  
  wfm > schedule > delete     wfm > workPlan > edit  
  wfm > schedule > edit     wfm > workPlan > view  
  wfm > schedule > generate     wfp > decisionsDataDownload > download  
  wfm > schedule > view     wfm > timeOffLimit > add  
  wfm > schedulingrequest > add     wfm > timeOffLimit > edit  
  wfm > schedulingrequest > view     wfm > timeOffLimit > view  
  wfm > serviceGoalGroup > add     wfm > timeOffLimit > delete  
  wfm > serviceGoalGroup > delete     wfm > timeOffPlan > add  
  wfm > serviceGoalGroup > edit     wfm > timeOffPlan > edit  
  wfm > serviceGoalGroup > view     wfm > timeOffPlan > view  
  wfm > serviceGoalTemplate > add     wfm > timeOffPlan > delete  
  wfm > serviceGoalTemplate > delete     wfm > timeOffRequest > notify  
  wfm > serviceGoalTemplate > edit     gamification > profile > view  
  wfm > serviceGoalTemplate > view     gamification > profile > update  
  wfm > shiftTradeRequest > edit     gamification > scorecard > view  
  wfm > shiftTradeRequest > view     gamification > scorecard > viewAll  
  wfm > shortTermForecast > add     gamification > leaderboard > view  
  wfm > shortTermForecast > delete     gamification > leaderboard > viewAll  
  wfm > shortTermForecast > edit  
  wfm > shortTermForecast > view  
  wfm > timeOffRequest > add  
  wfm > timeOffRequest > delete  
  wfm > timeOffRequest > edit  
  wfm > timeOffRequest > view  
  wfm > workPlan > add  
  wfm > workPlan > delete  
  wfm > workPlan > edit  
  wfm > workPlan > view  
  wfm > agentSchedule > sync  
  wfp > decisionsDataDownload > download  
  wfm > timeOffLimit > add  
  wfm > timeOffLimit > edit  
  wfm > timeOffLimit > view  
  wfm > timeOffLimit > delete  
  wfm > timeOffPlan > add  
  wfm > timeOffPlan > edit  
  wfm > timeOffPlan > view  
  wfm > timeOffPlan > delete  
  wfm > timeOffRequest > notify  
  gamification > profile > view  
  gamification > profile > update  
  gamification > scorecard > view  
  gamification > scorecard > viewAll  
  gamification > leaderboard > view  
  gamification > leaderboard > viewAll  

To add WEM to your subscription, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Genesys AppFoundry.
  2. Search for Workforce Management.
  3. Click the card and follow the instructions. 

    While Genesys Cloud sets up your service and updates your billing, a progress spinner appears. When the process completes, your new services are ready to apply to users. For more information, see Assign roles, divisions, licenses, and add-ons.


      Genesys Cloud CX 1 WEM Add-on II 65.00 71.50 84.50 91.00 52.00 45.50 260.00 7,800.00 923.00
      Genesys Cloud CX 1 WEM Add-on II Concurrent 95.00 104.50 123.50 133.00 76.00 66.50 380.00 11,400.00 1,349.00
      Genesys Cloud CX 2 WEM Add-on I 40.00 44.00 52.00 56.00 32.00 28.00 160.00 4,800.00 568.00
      Genesys Cloud CX 2 WEM Add-on I Concurrent 60.00 66.00 78.00 84.00 48.00 42.00 240.00 7,200.00 852.00

      Note: For organizations that have a concurrent license, the billable user count will be calculated according to the concurrent peak for the set of users who used WEM features (as applicable for Genesys Cloud CX 1 WEM Add-on II or Genesys Cloud CX 2 WEM Add-on I) at some point in a given billing month. Concurrency is measured based on when users are logged in, not when they are using a feature. 

      For more information about volume discounts, contact your designated Customer Success Manager.

      Modified date

      Screen recording is available as a part of the Genesys Cloud CX 1 license. Included billing and permission information for the same.


      Updated the procedure and removed instances of the Add Ons page and replaced with AppFoundry.


      Updated the pricing information in the Pricing table for Genesys Cloud CX 1 WEM Add-on II, Genesys Cloud CX 1 WEM Add-on II concurrent, and Genesys Cloud CX 2 WEM Add-on I concurrent licenses.


      Updated the header in the roles and responsibilites table in the notes section with new license information Genesys Cloud CX 1 WEM Add-on II and Genesys Cloud CX 2 WEM Add-on I. 


      The base pricing of the WEM add-on has increased. The Pricing section of this article has been updated with the latest pricing information.


      As of this release, billable users (agents) will be counted according to when WEM features are used. Previously, billable users were counted according to when the participant permission was added for the user.


      Pricing reduced for all upgrades.


      Added Genesys Cloud CX 1 WEM Add-on II Concurrent and Genesys Cloud CX 2 WEM Add-on I Concurrent pricing.


      Article posted.