Genesys Cloud - May 13, 2020

Contact center

New columns in agent views

Contact center managers, supervisors, and agents can now view additional current and historical metrics in agent views. The new columns include time spent monitoring interactions; percentage of time an agent is on- or off-queue; percentage of on-queue time an agent spent in interacting status, idle status, or not responding status; and more. For more information, see Agents Performance views overview and Queues Agents Detail view

New filters in agent views

Contact center managers and supervisors now have additional filters for viewing interactions in agent views. The new filters include group, role, reports to, and location. For more information, see Agents Performance Summary viewAgents Status Summary view, and Agents Evaluation Summary view.

Fax enhancements

Business users and agents now receive an email notification when they receive faxes sent directly to them. If the fax is less than 5 MB, they can view the fax in their email. In addition, they receive an email notification after sending a fax. For more information, see Open faxes from an email


TLS 1.1 protocol deprecation

On July 29, 2020, Genesys will remove the ability to connect to Genesys Cloud with the TLS 1.1 protocol. Data actions and other components will still be able to connect to REST endpoints with the TLS 1.2 and TLS 1.3 endpoints. For more information, see Deprecation: TLS 1.1. protocol