Turn off file uploading in internal chats

  • Admin role

Users can exchange files in Genesys Cloud by uploading them to internal chat sessions or workspaces in Documents.

Genesys Cloud does not scan files for viruses or malware; it only transfers them. Customers who share files are responsible for implementing adequate client-side anti-virus/anti-malware measures. For more information, see Malware and antispam protection best practices

Some customers or partners may have the ability to upload files without first scanning them for viruses and malware, as a security vulnerability. In line with this concern, a Genesys Cloud administrator can disable file uploading in chat at the organization level. In addition, a Genesys Cloud administrator can withhold a permission to prevent users from using Documents. See Documents roles and permissions.

To disable file uploading in chat for your org:

  1. Click Admin.
  2. Under Account Settings, click Organization Settings.
  3. Click Settings.
  4. Under Security & Compliance, set Disable Chat File Uploads to ON. This prevents all users in your org from attaching files to the body of an internal chat. This option is applicable only to internal chat.

  5. Click Save.