Documents roles and permissions

Genesys Cloud roles and permissions are based on management tasks and job functions. Genesys Cloud’s Documents incorporates user roles and permissions at two levels that grant access to specific features, displays, and tasks:

  • Any user who has the Admin role automatically has the Content Management Admin permission and the Content Management User permission.
  • Any user who has the Employee role automatically has the Content Management User permission.

Note: It can take up to five minutes for permission updates to make their way through Genesys Cloud and take effect.

Users with the Content Management Admin permission can:

  • Manage group workspaces (add, edit, delete)
  • Manage membership of group workspaces 
  • Add tags to group workspaces
  • Search audits

    Feature deprecation: For more information, see Deprecation: Auditing features in Documents.

Users with the Content Management User permission can do the following things in their personal workspace:

  • Search for files 
  • View files
  • Manage file properties
  • Move files to different workspaces
  • Upload files 
  • Download files 
  • Share files

Note: When you add a user to a group workspace, you assign the appropriate level of access for that workspace.