Fix failed routing requests

Note: This article applies to Genesys Cloud for Salesforce.

When you monitor email routing activity in Genesys Cloud for Salesforce, you could see failed routing requests. You can fix the underlying reasons for the failed routing requests and then reroute the requests. 

Reasons for failed routing requests

Salesforce emails can fail to route through Genesys Cloud for Salesforce for several reasons:

  • Bad credentials.

    Your OAuth credentials are incorrect. For more information, see Create an OAuth client and Configure authentication.

  • Incorrect permissions.

    At a minimum, when setting up OAuth credentials, select a role with the following permissions in Genesys Cloud:

    • Architect > User > Readonly
    • Conversation > Email > Create
    • Routing > Queue > View
    • Routing > Skill > Manage

    For more information, see OAuth client permissions and Create an OAuth client.

  • Invalid queues, skills, or languages.

    You changed queues, skills, or languages in Genesys Cloud but you did not click Retrieve Options to resync these objects from your Genesys Cloud organization to your Salesforce organization. For more information, see Configure the routing of Salesforce emails.

  • Invalid flow.

    The flow that you created in Flow Builder to route Salesforce emails through Genesys Cloud for Salesforce contains errors. For more information, see Use Flow Builder to route Salesforce emails.

Fix failed routing requests

  1. Check the failures.
    1. In Salesforce, click Setup.
    2. Search for Installed Packages.
    3. Under Build, click Installed Packages.
    4. Click Configure next to the Genesys Cloud for Salesforce package that you want to configure.
    5. Click Routing of Salesforce Emails.
    6. Click View failed requests .

      The Failed Routing Requests page appears. 

  2. Work through each Genesys Cloud routing request.
    1. Click a routing request.

      The API Response field lists the reason for the failure.

    2. Based on the API Response, fix the underlying issue. 

      After you fix the issue, new incoming Salesforce emails start to route through Genesys Cloud for Salesforce. However, failed routing requests do not automatically reroute. You must manually reroute the failed routing requests. (If you do not want to reroute them, then delete the failed routing requests.)

    3. Click Edit next to the Genesys Cloud routing request.
    4. Change Failed Attempts to 0.
    5. Click Save.

    The integration then attempts to reroute the Salesforce email through Genesys Cloud for Salesforce. If the integration successfully reroutes the Salesforce email, then the email is deleted from the list of failed routing requests.

  3. Repeat step 2 for each failed routing request.

After you fix and reroute or delete all failed routing requests, this subsection disappears.

For more information, see Monitor email routing activity and About Routing of Salesforce Emails.

For more information about the integration, see About Genesys Cloud for Salesforce.