Screen share client options

Each of the screen share client options offers different capabilities and requires varying levels of development effort on your part. 

Screen share from Firefox

Firefox does not require any additional installations to work with screen share.

This option is useful in the following situations:

  • Your customers already use Firefox, or if they do not, then your agents are comfortable helping them download it.
  • You do not want customers to install browser extensions.

Screen share from Chrome

Chrome version 72 and above does not require any additional installations to work with screen share.

Chrome versions 71 and below require a Chrome extension to screen share. Your software developers brand a Chrome extension and add it to the Google Web Store. Sharers add the extension to the Chrome web browser. 

This option is useful in the following situations:

  • Your customers already use Chrome version 72 or above, or if they do not, then your agents are comfortable helping them download it.
  • Your customers already use Chrome version 71 or below, and your agents are comfortable helping them download the extension or upgrading the Chrome version.
Note: Chrome incognito mode is not supported with Chrome versions 71 and below. Ensure that sharers do not use incognito mode.

Screen share from a stand-alone program

This option requires your developers to build an application with screen share functionality.

In this scenario, sharers click a link in your application to start a screen share with your agents.

This option is useful in the following situations:

  • You are developing a new desktop application and have the developer resources to build it with screen share functionality.
  • You do not want sharers to download any additional software besides your desktop application for screen sharing.
  • You do not need to support older versions of your software that do not have Chromium built in. If you do need to support older versions, then you must provide another screen share client.

You can either build an application whose only purpose is screen share functionality, or you can build screen share functionality into your software that serves a different main purpose.