Series: Real-time adherence

Real-time adherence overview


  • Workforce Management > Real-Time Adherence > View permission

Real-time adherence is a common contact center metric that compares agents’ current status against their scheduled work time. Monitoring adherence in real time provides contact center supervisors the right information to help analyze agent status and make any necessary changes to the schedule for the rest of the day.

  • When you move an agent from one management unit to another within the same business unit, the agent is still visible within the same business unit schedule. After the agent moves to another management unit, any new adherence information exists under the new management unit.  Historical adherence data is visible in the new management unit historical adherence view.  
  • When you move an agent from one management unit to another management unit in a different business unit, the schedule and adherence information remains with the original management unit and business unit. However historical adherence is no longer visible in the original management unit.  This process allows the supervisor to view the agent in the same spot on the schedule before they moved business and management units, for historical purposes. After the agent moves to another management unit, any new schedule and adherence information exists under the new management unit.
  • Time-off requests, however, move with the agent to the new management unit. Time-off requests are specific to agents, not management units, and should follow the agent with the move.

    To accurately return real-time adherence results, agent presence is mapped by default to specific activity categories:

    Agent presence Default activity category
    Available Off queue
    Away Unavailable
    Break Break
    Busy Off queue
    Meal Meal
    Meeting Meeting
    Idle Unavailable
    Offline Unavailable
    On queue On queue
    Out of office Time off
    Training Training

    • The system considers agent in adherence when they have no scheduled activities and a status set to an activity code mapped to Unavailable or Time Off.
    • To be considered in adherence, agents in an On Queue status must also be in either Idle, Interacting, or Communicating routing status. The last routing status for concurrent interaction scenarios dictates the agent’s perceived routing status.
    • For adherence calculation, the system automatically maps Out of Office status as Time Off.

    Disclaimer: When you add a time-off or partial day time-off request in the Schedule Editor, the system adds the time-off with a precisely defined time boundary. A full day time-off request acts as a marker to prevent scheduling on a given day and is not itself a scheduled activity (though it is possible to schedule activities that overlap). From adherence perspective, these are considered as unscheduled time. There is currently no way to ignore full day time-off requests for adherence purposes. 

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