Genesys Cloud - real-time adherence management tag

List of the Genesys Cloud release notes that include the real-time adherence management release notes tag.
October 18, 2023

Account management

  • Division-aware configuration objects default to all divisions
  • Assign divisions to secondary statuses
  • User settings page displays the last login date and time

Customer engagement

  • GCV outbound fraud protection

Data, analytics and reporting

  • New speech and text analytics permissions
  • Agent empathy analysis API for English transcripts
  • New analytics dashboard metrics
  • Messenger co-browse toolbar improvements
  • Remove agents who deselect their phone from the queue

Employee productivity

  • Agent target selection interface and workflow improvements

Workforce engagement

  • Assign division specific secondary status codes for agents

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September 13, 2023

Customer engagement

  • Open messaging typing indicators

Data, analytics, and reporting

  • Introducing the Genesys Cloud Analytics Add-on (A3S)

Open platform

  • Architect workflow trigger automation
  • Introducing Genesys Cloud CX Accelerators

Self service and automation

  • Support center name change
  • Architect Transfer to ACD action in Genesys Dialog Engine Bot Flows
  • Introducing the Architect Optimizations dashboard
  • Architect flow outcomes and milestones user interface updates

Workforce engagement

  • Workforce Engagement Management (WEM) activity view in external web environments

Deprecations and announcements

  • Deprecation: Canned reports
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    June 14, 2023


    • BYOC Cloud TLS X.509 certificate renewal

    Contact center

    • Drill down to dashboard performance views
    • Real time alerting based on agent’s after call work duration
    • Improved dashboard create and edit options
    • Show or hide top viewed articles in Support Center
    • Multi-lingual Genesys Dialog Engine Bot Flow and Genesys Digital Bot Flows


    • Resource Center improvements
    • Telephony Extensions now support Divisions

    Deprecations and announcements

    • Legacy alerting system deprecation
    • External Contact directory pages external organization logo removal

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