Genesys Cloud - November 6, 2019

Contact center

Chat flow and chatbot support for web chat widget and Predictive Engagement 

Genesys Cloud now supports chat flows and chatbots for the Version 2 web chat widget and Predictive Engagement. These enhancements enable administrators and developers to leverage chat flows for routing, auto-response, and chatbots to offer a targeted chat solution for customers visiting your website. For more information, see Create a widget for web chat and Predictive Engagement with advanced chat routing

Allowed domains for web chat

Administrators can now specify the domains from which customers can initiate web chat for Version 2 and third party widgets. This feature provides more security controls for web chat widget deployments that do not use authenticated chat. For more information, see Create a widget for web chat.

Dynamically reference groups in Architect

Administrators and contact center managers can now configure flows to dynamically select a Genesys Cloud group at runtime. This feature allows the flow to source data from a data action or a data lookup table and use the information to set the group before transferring directly to it. Organizations can personalize customer interactions by sending them to the right agent group based on customer or interaction data. For more information, see Find Group action.

Dynamically reference user by email in Architect

Administrators and contact center managers can now configure flows to dynamically select user by email at run time. This feature enables organizations to personalize customer interactions by sending them to the right user based on customer or interaction data. For more information, see Find User action.

Export time value format option

Contact center managers can now format the time values in HH:MM:SS:mmm when they export data from a view that contains duration columns. For more information, see Export view data.

Add or copy activities to agent schedules

Workforce management now includes the ability to add or copy an activity to one or more agent schedules using various insertion rules and suggestions based on coverage impact. This feature enables administrators and contact center supervisors to more easily manage the schedule editing process. For more information, see Add an activity to one or more agents and Copy an activity to other agents.

Email inline images

Agents can now send inline images in emails. For more information, see Add inline images to email messages.

Email forwarding

Agents can now forward emails to internal and external recipients. The forwarded email includes all inline images, attachments, and history. For more information, see Forward an email


IP addresses for outbound data action traffic

Administrators can now retrieve and whitelist IP addresses for outbound data action traffic. For more information, see Domains and IP Addresses in Ports and services to configure your company firewall.