
An agent’s status indicates the current work mode of the agent, such as On Queue or Offline. 

  • On Queue: The agent is On Queue but is not currently on an interaction with a customer.
  • Interacting: The agent is On Queue handling an interaction with a customer or completing after-call work for an interaction. Genesys Cloud can still route them another interaction, depending on how administrators have configured agent utilization.
  • Not Responding: The agent was On Queue or Interacting and did not answer an offered interaction. The agent could still be handling and completing other previous interactions. While Not Responding, the agent does not receive new interactions.
  • Communicating: The agent is on a non-ACD call, and, in relation to agent utilization and call routing, Genesys Cloud treats the non-ACD call like an ACD call. For example, administrators could configure agent utilization so Genesys Cloud does not route new interactions to agents while they on an ACD or non-ACD call. This status only appears if administrators have enabled Block calls when on a non-ACD call (excludes transfers) when they configured agent utilization.
  • Available, Busy, Away, Break, Meal, Meeting, Training, or Out of Office: The agent is not On Queue and has chosen the user status.
  • Idle (Away): The agent is logged on to the desktop application with the screen saver on or screen locked. In other areas where user status displays, such as a profile page, this status shows as Away.
  • Offline: The agent is logged off Genesys Cloud.