Sentiment analysis – What is the customer sentiment trend?

The sentiment trend is determined by comparing the sentiment events found closer to the start of the interaction, to the sentiment events found closer to the end of the interaction. For this reason, the sentiment trend may be updated when additional follow ups occur within the same interaction. There is a minimum number of customer phrases required for the sentiment trend to be calculated, usually around 6 or more customer phrases are required. 

Customer sentiment trend

Sentiment events are clustered into two groups:

  • Sentiment events closer to the start of the interaction are defined as start-events.
  • Sentiment events closer to the end of the interaction are defined as end-events.

sentimentTrend = (sentiment score of end-events – sentiment score of start-events) / 2

The sentiment trend is presented to the user as follows:

  • Improving – If the trend score is +55 it is defined as improving.
  • Slightly improving – If the trend score is between +20 and +55 it is defined as slightly improving.
  • No change – If the trend score is between -20 – +20 it is defined as no change.
  • Slightly declining – If the trend score is between -19 and -55 it is defined as slightly declining.
  • Declining – If the trend score is less than -55 it is defined as declining.

For more information, see Understand sentiment analysis.