Voice transcription – What is dictionary management ?

Dictionary management provides a means of improving recognition for business or domain-specific terms. Specific brands, words, or acronyms are transcribed based on the organization’s specifics. This feature allows customers to add terms to the dictionary, enhancing the transcription service’s likelihood of recognition. For more information, see Understand dictionary management.

One way of identifying similar-sounding terms involves observing recognition errors in the transcript. For example, if you consistently notice that “IRS” is transcribed as “eye are es,” you can now add the term “IRS” and include a similar-sounding entry with “eye are es.” See the following table for more examples.

Term Example phrases Sounds like

He has a neurological condition
Neurological degeneration
A neurological disease
Severe neurological disorder

Neuro logical
Euro logical
Healthcare Qualified healthcare provider

Health care
Health car
Earth care

Priming Priming the pump
Priming the charge
Priming the brain

Prime ing
Prim ing
Pry ming

IRS An IRS audit
Following IRS direction
Reviewed by the IRS
Requested by the IRS

Eye are ess
Eye Are es
Ire rest
Aye heiress
I heiress

Acme My favorite brand is Acme
Acme brand pancakes
Strong loyalty from acme
I like acme

Act knee
Act me
Hack me

Louis Vuitton My favorite brand is Louis Vuitton
I like Louis Vuitton hand bags
I’d like to order a Louis Vuitton suitcase

Lui vito
Loo e v ton
Loo e bitten

  • Dictionary management is not case sensitive. It will not modify the capitalization of terms in the transcript.
  • In languages that typically lack spaces, such as Japanese, it is important to include spaces in terms to enhance performance.

Dictionary Management does not interfere with Topic Spotting, so users wanting to spot topics in interactions should continue to use the service. The service currently supports native voice transcription dialects. For more information, see Genesys Cloud supported languages.