How does Genesys Cloud handle email marked as spam?

Email can be true spam or incorrectly marked as spam. Genesys Cloud leverages Amazon SES to receive and send email. Amazon SES has various measures in place to detect spam emails and also to detect emails that may contain viruses.

When you configure email addresses for the organization, you can determine how to handle emails that Genesys Cloud detects as spam, which gives you better control over how to process email that Genesys Cloud identifies as spam. For more information, see Add email addresses to the domain in Manage ACD email routing.

Amazon SES provides both spam detection and virus verdicts to Genesys Cloud. If the Amazon verdict indicates that the email may contain a virus, Genesys Cloud disconnects the message and never delivers it to an agent. If the Amazon verdict indicates that the email is spam, Genesys Cloud processes those emails based on the settings you choose when you set up spam routing during email address configuration. For related information, see Malware and antispam protection best practices

Note: If Genesys Cloud disconnects the email message, the disconnect reason appears on the interaction’s detail view. For more information, see Disconnect reasons in the interaction’s detail view.