Add a prompt

In Architect, user prompts are company-specific prompts created by Architect users. If you have the appropriate role, you can create, modify, and delete user prompts. From the User Prompts tab, you can add user prompts.

A prompt name cannot:

  • Contain spaces or special characters
  • Begin with a numeric or special character
  • Include a name already in use

A prompt name can:

  • Contain letters, numbers, and underscore characters
  • Begin with a letter

Architect prevents you from creating a prompt that begins with a numeric or special character and prompts you with a message if the prompt name is already in use.

  1. From the Architect home page, click or hover over the Prompts tab and select User Prompts.
  2. Click Add. The Create Prompt dialog box opens.
  3. Enter the prompt name and, optionally, a description of the prompt.
  4. Click Create Prompt. The Edit Prompt dialog box opens.
  5. Do one of the following:
    • To configure the prompt later, click OK. The system returns to the Prompts tab.
    • To configure the prompt now, see Configure prompt resources.