Work with List View


The following permissions:


  • Workitem > Workbin > All
  • Workitem > Workbin > View
  • Workitem > Workbin > Add
  • Workitem > Workbin > Update
  • Workitem > Workbin > Delete


  • Workitem > Queue > All
  • Workitem > Queue > View
  • Workitem > Queue > Add
  • Workitem > Queue > Update
  • Workitem > Queue > Delete

Manual Assignment

  • Workitems > Workitem > Pull
  • Workitems > Workitem > Assign
  • Workitems > Workitem > Terminate
  • Workitems > Workitem > Delete
  • Workitems > Workitem > Disconnect
  • Workitems > Workitem > Accept
  • Workitems > Workitem > Edit


  • Workitems > queryJob > All
  • Workitems > queryJob > Add
  • Workitems > queryJob > View
  • Workitems > queryJobResults > All
  • Workitems > queryJobResults > View

List View provides users with a consolidated view of all workitems across a specific workbin. Available to both supervisors and agents, the list provides the ability to apply various filters, inline edit various attributes of the workitem, control routing attributes (like assignee), and more. Depending on permissions, users can pull work from a workbin to work in real-time, assign work to other users, and even terminate work to indicate that it was completely processed.

List View shows all workitems in a specified division and workbin. Each row in List View represents a single workitem.

Note: The actions you can perform in List View depend upon your permissions.

To access List View, follow these steps:

  1. From the sidebar, click List View .
  2. Click the Workitem List tab. The Workitems List appears.
  3. Under Division, select the division for the workbin in which you want to see the workitems.
  4. Under Workbin, select the preferred workbin.
    Note: The list of available workbins depends on the divisions assigned to the current user.

List View displays the following columns:

Column Details Default Inline update
Priority The priority of the workitem By default, priority is 0 if not specified during the Workitem creation.

To update the priority of the workitem, beside the value, click Edit and specify a numeric value from 0 through 25,000,000.

Due Date The due date for the workitem By default, the Date and time is 15 days from the workitem. The person who creates the workitem can specify a different date. To update the due date, click Edit the new date and time. Specify the time in a 24-hour format.
Status The status of the workitem The default status is Open. You cannot update the status inline.
Worktype The worktype of the workitem The initial worktype of the workitem. You cannot update the worktype inline.
Queue The queue to which the workitem belongs The initial queue for the workitem You cannot update the queue inline.
Routing State

The Routing State reflects the current routing state of the workitem and in some cases may be adjusted via More to the far right of each row. For more information about the Routing State, see Routing tab in Define a worktype

The Routing State reflects the current state of the workitem. You cannot update the routing state inline
Assigned To The name of the person to whom the workitem is assigned Not applicable.

To update the assignment of the workitem, beside the current assignee, click Edit . Begin to type the name of the person you want to assign the workitem to and select the name from the list of matches.

Note: You cannot reassign workitems in a connected state until they are disconnected.

Date Created The date of creation for the workitem Not applicable. You cannot update the date created.
External Tag The external tag specified during the creation of the workitem Not applicable. You cannot update the external tag inline.
Last Modified The date of the last time that someone updated the workitem Not applicable. You cannot manually update this column.
More A menu that contains more actions that you can take for each workitem. Not applicable.

To preview a summary of a workitem in read-only mode, click Preview.

To return to List View, to the upper left, click Back to Workitem List.

To copy the workitem ID, while in preview, click Copy .

To copy the workitem ID, click Copy ID.

To end a workitem: Click Terminate. When you end a workitem, it leaves the List View.

Note: To see terminated workitems, at the top of the list, click Show terminated Workitems. You can terminate a workitem that is in any state. 

To return workitems in a parked routing status, click Return to Roster to push the workitem back into the active roster of the assigned agent.

To disconnect a workitem from a user, click Disconnect.

Note: You cannot disconnect a workitem in a connected routing state.

To delete a workitem, click  Delete. You cannot delete a workitem that is in one of the following states:

  • Alerting
  • Connected
  • Held

Manage List View appearance

The following options allow you to customize how you see List View:

Option Details
Arrange column positions To reposition a column, hover over the column heading, and when the cursor changes to a hand, drag the column to the wanted position. To restore column positions, click Reset View.Refresh  To fetch the latest column information if any has changed, click Refresh.
Reset view To restore column positions, click Reset View.
Apply filters

To filter the workitems in the list, click Filter. To see all the filters available, click Expand All. You can use the following filters:

  • Worktype: You can filter on up to five worktypes that match the workitems. To remove a worktype, click Remove .
  • Status: You can filter on multiple status values. To remove a status from your filter, beside the status, click Remove . Note: To select a status filter, you must first select a worktype filter.
  • Routing > Queue: You can filter on multiple queue values. To remove a queue from your filter, beside the queue, click Remove .
  • Routing > Routing State: You can filter on multiple routing state values. To remove a routing state from your filter, beside the queue, click Remove . Note: The Terminated routing state option only appears in the filter if you enabled Show Terminated Workitems.
  • Assignee > Workitems to Display: You can filter on one of three options:
    • All Workitems: Do not apply the filter for assignment. Show all workitems.
    • Assignee: Show only workitems assigned to the specific assignees.
    • Unassigned: Show all unassigned workitems.
  • Assignee > Assignee: You can filter on the person assigned to the workitem. You can select multiple assignees. The current user always appears first.
  • External Tag: You can filter the workitems that match external tag values.