Transfer to ACD action

Feature rollback: The direct routing feature has been temporarily rolled back. Please check Genesys Cloud - Features coming soon for updated availability information.

Use the Transfer to ACD action to transfer an interaction to a queueing system. 

This action is available in call flow menus and inbound and task flow sequences for in-queue call, chat, email, and bot flows. Menu choices contain common settings such as DTMF and speech recognition. For more information about menu choice settings, see DTMF and speech recognition settings in menu choices.

  • One point of priority equals adding one minute of time that the call is waiting.
  • If a transfer impact happens between an agent and the queue’s voicemail, them the queue voicemail transfer overrides the agent transfer.
  • You can increase the number of agent/score pairs up to a maximum of 100. To request an increase, contact Genesys Cloud Customer Care.

Action Description
Name field The label you enter here becomes the name of the transfer action in the task editor.

Select a queue to which to transfer the interaction.

Override default in-queue handling/In-Queue Call Flow

To select a customized in-queue flow instead of the default in-queue flow, click Override default in-queue handling. When selected, the option changes to In-Queue Call Flow, where you can choose the in-queue flow the customer hears when on hold for this queue. 

Note: The flow you select here overrides a previously selected default- and queue-configured flow.


Action Description
Pre-Transfer Audio (Optional) Configure a prompt to play before transferring the interaction.
Failed Transfer Audio

(Optional) Configure a prompt to play when the transfer action detects a failure.


Action Description

Select a numeric value that assigns priority to the interaction.

Preferred Agents

To influence routing, supply up to 20 preferred agents along with their scores. You can increase the number of agent/score pairs up to a maximum of 100. To ask for an increase, contact Genesys Cloud Customer Care. Agent scores determine the ring to which to assign to the agent, but they do not determine which agent to assign to the waiting interaction.

For example, you have three agents with scores of 100, 95, and 85, respectively. The first ring configuration is 10 seconds for agents with scores > 90. This configuration means that, for the first 10 seconds, the system only considers the first two agents but not which agent it selects. Assignment is based on time since the last interaction, and so on.

To create an individual agent/score pair value, use the MakeAgentScorePair function. This example expression creates an agent/score pair collection with two agent/score pairs. The first agent has a score of 100 and the second has a score of 90:


You can use a MakeListAgentScorePair function that takes a collection of users along with an integer collection of scores to associate with the users. Following that method, this example generates the same value as the previous expression:


You can also use an Update Data action to assign variables. Then, use those variables to supply individual user values or user collections, an individual integer score or integer collections, and agent/score pair or collections. For more information about the MakeAgentScorePair, MakeListAgentScorePair, MakeList, FindUserById, and other functions, see Architect’s Expression Help feature. Each function gives more details and examples.

The default is No value specified. If you do not want to use preferred agent routing, leave this setting unchanged.


  • By default, if the action encounters an agent/score pair collection supplied with more than 20 items, the call flow takes the Failure output at runtime. If you bind a variable to the errorType failure output, the value contains the “TooManyPreferredAgents” string value. You can increase the number of agent/score pairs up to a maximum of 100. After meeting the 100 agent/score pair limit, the flow follows the failure output path. To request an increase, contact Genesys Cloud Customer Care.
  • Preferred agent use requires that you configure Add Rings for the priority of agents to consider

For more information, see Advanced routing overview and Specify evaluation and routing methods in Create and configure queues.

Direct Agent

Direct routing routes interactions to a dedicated “direct agent” as an ACD interaction. The interactions route via a queue and all features of an ACD interaction, such as wrap-up codes, are available.

In the Direct Agent field, you can provide a target agent for the interaction on the target queue for direct routing. If specified, the agent takes precedence over the target queue’s routing method and any agents specified in the Preferred Agents setting on this action.

Use the FindUserById function to target the direct routing agent based on user ID.

Note: To retrieve the target agent’s user ID, use the “Get User by Address” data action and store the user ID as an output variable. 

Language Skill

Use the supported language’s default language, or enter a literal or expression to override language skills configured in the flow’s Supported Languages container.

Add ACD Skill To view and select from a list of available ACD skills that agents must have to receive the interaction, click this button.

Failure outputs

These outputs allow the flow author to map the results of any resulting errorType and errorMessage. To expand or collapse the list of variables, click the arrow next to Failure Outputs.

Action Description
errorType A non-empty string that contains the type or category of the error.
errorMessage A non-localized failure message. The string may be empty or NOT_SET.

Define success and failure paths

Note: For transfer actions included in secure flows, Genesys Cloud overrides the defined failure path and disconnects the call. The normal consultation VXML transfer type can be problematic in secure flows; therefore, Genesys Cloud uses blind transfers. For more information, see Recommendation for the <transfer> element. This behavior occurs in transfers to ACD, user, external numbers, group, other flows, and voicemail.

Action Description

A completed Success path indicates that the system encounters no errors during the process. It is not a measure of whether the system receives data that is the intended result or functionality.


This path indicates that there was an error attempting to complete the action or a problem processing the results from a bridge or data action. Specify the action if Architect is not able to transfer the call. For example, a play audio action to indicate that the action wasn’t successful, a transfer action to send the caller to an agent for assistance. 

Note: If the network experiences connectivity issues, the action automatically takes this failure path.

Action Description
Name field The label you enter here becomes the name of the transfer node in the flow structure.

Select a queue to which to transfer the email or message.

Override default in-queue handling/In-Queue Call Flow

To select a customized in-queue flow instead of the default in-queue flow, click Override default in-queue handling. When selected, the option changes to In-Queue Call Flow, where you can choose the in-queue flow the customer hears when on hold for this queue. 

Note: The flow you select here overrides a previously selected default- and queue-configured flow.


Action Description
Pre-Transfer Communication (Optional) The wording that the bot plays before it transfers the interaction.
Failed Transfer Communication

(Optional) The wording that the bot plays when the transfer action detects a failure.


Action Description

Assign a priority to the email or message.

Preferred Agents

Agent scores determine the ring to which to assign to the agent, but they do not determine which agent to assign to the waiting interaction.

For example, you have three agents with scores of 100, 95, and 85, respectively. The first ring configuration is 10 seconds for agents with scores > 90. This configuration means that, for the first 10 seconds, the system only considers the first two agents but not which agent it selects. Assignment is based on time since the last interaction, and so on.

To create an individual agent/score pair value, use the MakeAgentScorePair function. This example expression creates an agent/score pair collection with two agent/score pairs. The first agent has a score of 100 and the second has a score of 90:


You can use a MakeListAgentScorePair function that takes a collection of users along with an integer collection of scores to associate with the users. Following that method, this example generates the same value as the previous expression:


You can also use an Update Data action to assign variables. Then, use those variables to supply individual user values or user collections, an individual integer score or integer collections, and agent/score pairs or collections. For more information about the MakeAgentScorePair, MakeListAgentScorePair, MakeList, FindUserById, and other functions, see Architect’s Expression Help feature. Each function gives more details and examples.

The default is No value specified. If you do not want to use preferred agent routing, leave this setting unchanged.

Note: By default, if the action encounters an agent/score pair collection supplied with more than 20 items, the call flow takes the Failure output at runtime. If you bind a variable to the errorType failure output, the value contains the “TooManyPreferredAgents” string value. You can increase the number of agent/score pairs up to a maximum of 100. After meeting the 100 agent/score pair limit, the flow follows the failure output path. To request an increase, contact Genesys Cloud Customer Care.

For more information, see Advanced routing overview and Specify evaluation and routing methods in Create and configure queues.

Language Skill

Do one of the following:

  • From the list, select a language skill to assign to the email or message flow.
  • Switch to expression mode and enter the DetectLanguage string.

Note: Architect includes descriptions and examples for creating expressions using the DetectLanguage function. For more information about creating expressions and accessing Expression help, see the built-in Expression Help.

Add ACD Skill To view and select from a list of available ACD skills that agents must have to receive the interaction, click this button.

Failure outputs

These outputs allow the flow author to map the results of any resulting errorType and errorMessage. To expand or collapse the list of variables, click the arrow next to Failure Outputs.

Action Description
errorType A non-empty string that contains the type or category of the error.
errorMessage A non-localized failure message. The string can be empty or NOT_SET.

Action Description
Name field The label you enter here becomes the name of the transfer node in the flow structure.

Select a queue to which to transfer the email or message.

Override default in-queue handling/In-Queue Call Flow

To select a customized in-queue flow instead of the default in-queue flow, click Override default in-queue handling. When selected, the option changes to In-Queue Call Flow, where you can choose the in-queue flow the customer hears when on hold for this queue. 

Note: The flow you select here overrides a previously selected default- and queue-configured flow.


Action Description

Assign a priority to the email or message.

Preferred Agents

Agent scores determine the ring to which to assign to the agent, but they do not determine which agent to assign to the waiting interaction.

For example, you have three agents with scores of 100, 95, and 85, respectively. The first ring configuration is 10 seconds for agents with scores > 90. This configuration means that, for the first 10 seconds, the system only considers the first two agents but not which agent it selects. Assignment is based on time since the last interaction, and so on.

To create an individual agent/score pair value, use the MakeAgentScorePair function. This example expression creates an agent/score pair collection with two agent/score pairs. The first agent has a score of 100 and the second has a score of 90:


You can use a MakeListAgentScorePair function that takes a collection of users along with an integer collection of scores to associate with the users. Following that method, this example generates the same value as the previous expression:


You can also use an Update Data action to assign variables. Then, use those variables to supply individual user values or user collections, an individual integer score or integer collections, and agent/score pairs or collections. For more information about the MakeAgentScorePair, MakeListAgentScorePair, MakeList, FindUserById, and other functions, see Architect’s Expression Help feature. Each function gives more details and examples.

The default is No value specified. If you do not want to use preferred agent routing, leave this setting unchanged.

Note: By default, if the action encounters an agent/score pair collection supplied with more than 20 items, the call flow takes the Failure output at runtime. If you bind a variable to the errorType failure output, the value contains the “TooManyPreferredAgents” string value. You can increase the number of agent/score pairs up to a maximum of 100. After meeting the 100 agent/score pair limit, the flow follows the failure output path. To request an increase, contact Genesys Cloud Customer Care.

For more information, see Advanced routing overview and Specify evaluation and routing methods in Create and configure queues.

Direct Agent

Important: Direct routing is not available in inbound or in-queue chat flows.

Direct routing routes interactions to a dedicated “direct agent” as an ACD interaction. The interactions are routed via a queue and all features of an ACD interaction such as wrap-up codes are available.

In the Direct Agent field, you can provide a target agent for the interaction on the target queue for Direct Routing. If specified, the agent takes precedence over the target queue’s routing method and any agents specified in the Preferred Agents setting on this action.

You can use the FindUserById function to target the direct routing agent based on user ID.

Note: To retrieve the target agent’s user ID, you can use the “Get User by Address” data action, and store the user ID as an output variable. 

Language Skill

Do one of the following:

  • From the list, select a language skill to assign to the email or message flow.
  • Switch to expression mode and enter the DetectLanguage string.

Note: Architect includes descriptions and examples for creating expressions using the DetectLanguage function. For more information about creating expressions and accessing Expression help, see the built-in Expression Help.

Add ACD Skill To view and select from a list of available ACD skills that agents must have to receive the interaction, click this button.