Predictive routing comparison test

Using comparison tests, you can directly compare predictive routing performance against your current routing method. During a comparison test, Genesys Cloud routes your interactions in an hour-on, hour-off pattern, using predictive routing 50 percent of the time and an alternative routing method the other 50 percent. 

To start comparison testing, click Queues from the Admin console. The Queue list window opens.

The following video shows you the steps to run a comparison test. The written procedure follows the video.

You have two choices for where to start your comparison test. The two offer the same configuration alternatives but follow different routes through the workflow, so a separate section explains each alternative. 

    1. Click a queue name. The Queue details window opens.
    2. From the Routing tab, select Predictive Routing as the routing method. By default, the window defaults to comparison test mode and the Predictive Routing Comparison Test pane opens on the right side of the window. 
    3. Set the key performance indicator (KPI) and timeout value. The benefit assessment for this queue indicates which KPI shows the best potential for optimization. 
    4. Choose which routing method to compare with predictive routing. You can choose standard or bullseye routing. 
    5. Configure your comparison routing method as explained in the “Specify routing method” section of Create and configure queues.
    6. To use workload balancing with predictive routing, set Workload Balancing to On.
    7. To use skill matching with predictive routing, set Skill Matching to On.
    8. Set the evaluation method for the fallback routing method. The fallback is always standard routing.
    9. Click Save and Continue to make more changes or Save if you are done. After you click Save, the Queue list page reopens, showing Predictive [Processing…] in the Routing Method column. For more information, see The KPI processing phase.

    1. After running a benefit assessment, click the Optimization Potential link in the Predictive Routing Evaluation column for the queue you want to test to open the Queue Benefit Assessment pane.
    2. Click Start Routing Comparison Test. The Predictive Routing Comparison Test pane opens. If you already ran a comparison test on the queue, the button reads Run Another Test.
    3. Choose the KPI to optimize. Predictive routing defaults to the KPI with the best potential for optimization.
    4. To change the timeout value from the default, 30 seconds, to a different value, click Advanced test settings.
    5. (Optional) Configure the routing method you are comparing with predictive routing. By default, predictive routing is compared with standard routing. To make changes, do the following:
      1. Click More settings. If you do not see this link initially, click Advanced settings to open the additional configuration fields.
        The Queue details window opens. 
      2. Choose which routing method to compare with predictive routing. You can choose standard or bullseye routing. 
      3. Configure your comparison routing method as explained in the “Specify routing method” section of Create and configure queues.
      4. To use workload balancing with predictive routing, set Workload Balancing to On.
      5. To use skill matching with predictive routing, set Skill Matching to On.
      6. Set the evaluation method for the routing method you are comparing with predictive routing.
    6. To start the comparison testing process, click Start Test. The Queue list page reopens, showing Predictive [Processing…] in the Routing Method column. For more information, see The KPI processing phase.

    When the processing is completed, the Routing Method column shows Predictive Test Mode and the Predictive Routing Evaluation column shows Test Mode.

      Next Step

      • Click Test Mode from the Predictive Routing Evaluation column in the Queues window. The Comparison Test Results pane opens. The results pane also enables you to end an in-progress comparison test or turn on predictive routing for all interactions on the queue. Alternatively, you can also view the performance of the comparison test from the queue performance report. For more information, see View performance of queues with predictive routing


      • Genesys recommends that you run the comparison test for at least two weeks. This period typically provides a large enough number of interactions to produce a statistically significant result. For some high volume queues, you might get robust results sooner.
      • If a queue you plan to test shares a group of agents with one or more other queues, Genesys recommends that you test predictive routing on all of those queues at the same time.  This simultaneous testing reflects the benefit across all queues and minimizes any potential impact on other queues as a result of activating predictive routing.
      • When you start the comparison test, predictive routing requires processing time to build your model for testing. During this processing phase, predictive routing is not yet available. See The KPI processing phase for how Genesys Cloud handles routing during this period. 
      • If you have selected a KPI and saved that choice, and then change the KPI and save again, predictive routing enters a new processing phase. This is true even if you later revert to your original KPI.