Play Position In Queue action

The Play Position In Queue action in an in-queue flow’s task sequence informs the caller of his or her place in the queue. When in use, this action reads back a supplied position in queue value to the caller. This action is only available for in-queue flows.

Name Description

Optionally type a distinct name for the action. The label you enter here becomes the action’s name displayed in the task sequence.

Position in Queue

The integer value used for the position in queue playback. By default, this is the Call.PositionInQueue variable. This variable is supplied by the server so it does not need to be modified. However, you can set it to another variable, expression, or literal value if you want to present your own.

Note: If the supplied integer value is less than one or a NOT_SET integer, it is treated as if the position in queue is 1.

Playback Mode

Select the level of queue position detail to play back to the caller. Choose one of the following:

  • Position. Presents the position in queue to the caller in cardinal numbers (one, two, three). For example, the caller hears, “Your position in queue is [five]”, replacing [five] with the exact position specified in the Position in queue setting.
  • Ordinal Position. Presents the position in queue to the caller in ordinal numbers (first, second, third), up to 999. For example, the caller hears, “You are the [fifth] caller in the queue“, replacing [fifth] with the exact position specified in the Position in queue setting. If the specified value in Position in Queue is greater than 999, the position in queue will be read back as a cardinal number.
  • Ahead. Presents the number of callers in the queue ahead of the current caller. For example, the caller hears, “There are [four] callers ahead of you”, replacing [four] with the exact number of calls in the queue before the current caller’s position.

Note: Certain scenarios play back the same reply, regardless of the selected Playback Mode:
  • If the call’s position in queue is 1, the caller hears, “You are the next caller.”
  • If the call’s position in queue is 2, the caller hears, “There is one caller ahead of you.”