Number plan information

Genesys Cloud automatically provides a set of default number plans. These default number plans are sufficient for most users.

To add a number plan to a site, complete the Add a number plan procedure. To test destination phone numbers, complete the Test destination phone numbers with the call simulator.

  • Numbers can be run through number plans and normalized multiple times.
  • You can have a a maximum of 200 number plans per site.

Default Number Plans

The following table details components of the default number plans.

Number plan Match type Match data Normalized format data


Number list

Based on location (For example, “911” in the US)


Digit length






(empty country code list)


Regular Expression

“^([^@\:]+@)([^@ ]+)?$”


Suicide Prevention

Regular Expression



Match Types

Match types are used in both default number plans and number plans created by the user. Match types give users a simple way to classify numbers for common use cases.

Match type Example Description
Digit length 4-6
  • Used by the default Extension classification 
  • No normalization of the number
E.164 Number List +13177151000-+13177152000, +13177152500, +13177153000-+13177155000,
  • Must be in E.164 format (contain a ‘+’)
  • No normalization of the number (maintains E.164 format)


  • Used by the default International classification 
  • Matches addresses that start with one of the specified country code prefixes and also has a total number length between 10 and 15 digits
  • An empty country code list indicates an “any” match for all country codes except the site’s own country code.
  • Number will be automatically normalized to E.164 format.
Intra Country 7-10
  • Used by the default National classification 
  • Matches addresses that start with the site’s own country code prefix and has a total number length between 10 and 15 digits.
  • Also will match national numbers by the specified total number length. 
  • Number will be automatically normalized to E.164 format including the country code
Number List 1000,1005-1008, 5005, 8000-9000
  • Default Emergency classification will use this
  • No normalization of the number
  • All the numbers/ranges in a list do not need to be the same length
Regular Expression ^(?:\+?1)?(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{4})$
  • Default Network classifications will use this
  • User specified matching and normalization


The Classification list is populated with some common classification names; however, you can create your own classifications. Classifications are simply descriptive names that you can use to group types of phone numbers according the characteristics of the phone numbers defined on the Number Plan page. Phone number classifications give you very granular control over the kinds of phone numbers agents are allowed to dial.