Modify activity details

An activity code sets the default values for such parameters as paid or not paid, counted or not counted as contiguous work time behavior, and activity length. Within the schedule editor, you can modify the values for any non-default activity type in a published or unpublished schedule. However, you cannot modify the shift’s default activity details.

Note: You can move the activity by clicking and dragging it to the desired location, and you can change the activity length by clicking the beginning or end of the activity and dragging to expand or reduce the length.
  1. Click Admin.
  2. Under Workforce Management, click Schedules.
  3. In the upper right corner, click the Management Unit list and select the desired management unit.
  4. Search for the schedule that contains the shift you want to remove and select it from the list. The schedule editor opens.
  5. To open the Edit Activity dialog box and modify a selected activity, do one of the following:
  6. Double-click the activity you want to modify.
  7. Select the activity to modify and select Shift + E.
  8. Optionally make any of the following updates:
    • To change the activity code, click the arrow at the end of the activity list and select one from the list.
    • To edit the Start Date, click the calendar and select a new date to which to apply the activity. Use the previous and next buttons to navigate to different months.
    • In the Start Time boxes, type the new time in which to begin the activity.
    • In the Length in Minutes area, use the up and down arrows to change the activity length in 5-minute increments.
    • To count the activity as paid time, slide the bar to Yes.
    • Enter a description of the activity code.
  9. Click OK to return to the schedule editor.
  10. Save, publish, or continue editing the schedule.