Metric definitions
Learn the definitions of common metrics.
Metric | Definition |
Metric | Definition |
Abandon | The number of times an end user abandoned an interaction in a queue. For example, the customer hangs up before an agent answers, or the system disconnects the interaction. |
Abandon % | The percentage of offered interactions in which the customer disconnected before connecting with an agent. The abandon rate can identify queues that require extra staff to handle interactions in a timely manner. Calculated by: (Abandoned Count / Offered Count) * 100 |
ACD Exit | The number of times an entry exited a flow to an ACD queue. Includes the percentage of ACD exits compared with the total number of exits. |
ACD Voicemail Exit | The number of times an entry exited a flow to an ACD voicemail. Includes the percentage of ACD voicemail exits compared with the total number of exits. |
Active agents | The number of active agents. In some views, this number is shown next to the total number of queue members. |
Active Total Callback | Active total callback duration is the sum of all calling activity for the call portions of the callback. For example, the active total callback duration could include all durations from the call portion of a callback: tContacting --> tDialing --> tTalk --> tHeld --> tTalk --> tAcw. |
Adherence Duration | The amount of time represented in days, hours, minutes, and seconds, of the adherence exception. |
Adherence Status | The current adherence status of the user, including In Adherence, Out of Adherence, Unscheduled, Ignored, or Unknown. |
After-call work (ACW) | The number of times after-call work (ACW) was completed. After-call work is the work that an agent performs immediately following an interaction. Work may involve keying activity codes, updating customer databases, filling out forms, or initiating outbound contact. As a metric, it indicates the total time an agent takes to finish working on a call. If an agent must complete work before the agent can handle the next contact, then ACW is factored into the average handle time. |
Alert | The number of times agents receive an alert for interactions. |
Metric | Definition |
Metric | Definition |
ACD Cancelled | The number of workitems canceled during ACD. |
Agent | The name of the agent. |
Agent Transfer | The number of workitems transferred by an agent to another agent. |
Alert | The number of times agents receive an alert for interactions. |
Answered | The number of workitems answered by an agent via routing, manual assignment, or transfer. |
ASA | The average amount of time an interaction waits in queue before an agent answers it. This metric does not include interactions that agents do not answer. ASA is directly associated with the service level and provides insight into the customer service your company provides. ASA is recorded in the interval in which the agent answered the interaction. Calculated by: Total Answered (tAnswered Sum) / Answered Count (tAnswered Count) Note: Raw values are provided in milliseconds. |
Avg Duration |
The average amount of time that a workitem has spent in a specific status. Note: The avg duration is calculated only after the workitem has transitioned to another state or the workitem is terminated.
Avg Handle |
The average amount of time agents spent handling interactions. This calculation includes talk time, hold time, and after-call work. For outbound calls it also includes dialing and contacting time. Calculated by: (cumulative talk time + cumulative hold time + cumulative after-call work + cumulative dialing time + cumulative contacting time) / Number of interactions handled Note: The interactions can span multiple time intervals. For example, a 45-minute call spans two 30-minute intervals. However, metrics are assigned a single timestamp and reported in the interval into which this timestamp falls. The timestamps are assigned based on when the metric calculation is complete.
For instance, handle time will use the timestamp of after call work completion. In the example of a 45-minute call, the handle time falls in the second 30-minute interval because the handle time was calculated at the end of the call when ACW was submitted. In these views, the Avg Talk, Avg Hold, and Avg ACW columns do not equal the Avg Handle column because only some interactions include holds. This view calculates the average handle column using cumulative counts rather than averages. |
Avg Hold Handled | The average time any interaction spent on hold. This calculation takes into account all interactions handled, not just those that were held. Calculated by: Total Hold Time / Number of Interactions Handled. |
Blind Transfer | The number of workitems blind transferred. |
For real-time examples and more advanced Workitems metric definitions, see Genesys Cloud Developer Center.