Import or export a flow
You can import and export flow configuration. When you import a file, Architect analyzes the file to determine the type of configuration data that it contains. The prompts you are given depend on the type of file it is importing. You can also export a previously created flow’s configuration file for use in another flow. For more information, click to expand the appropriate sections, and click again to close it.
- You can also export an Architect flow in the YAML format using the Architect UI or scripting, make changes in a text editor such as Visual Studio Code, and then use Archy to import the flow back into Architect. This feature makes it easier and less time-consuming to rebuild and manually map complex flows with a similar logic. For more information, see Define Architect flows using YAML.
- Importing a flow from an outside organization may require some configuration updates; even if for items such as data actions with similar names. Until you update any configuration issues, Architect returns validation errors in the flow.
The Import command imports a flow configuration. Importing a flow will not merge with existing configuration. When you import a flow configuration file into another flow, Architect overwrites any existing configuration in the original flow upon import. To import a flow:
- From the Architect home page, click or hover over the Flows menu and select the desired flow type.
- Do one of the following:
- Create a new flow.
- Click the flow you want to open. When the flow's configuration page opens, click Edit.
- Click the arrow at the end of the Save menu and select Import. The Import a flow dialog box opens.
- Click the Select a configuration file to import link and navigate to the .i3flow configuration file you want to import.
- Click the Import button.
- Optionally modify the current configuration.
- Save the flow.
You can export a flow's configuration file. This task assumes you have previously created a flow.
- From the Architect home page, click or hover over the Flows menu and select the desired flow type.
- Click the flow you want to open. The flow's configuration page opens.
- Click the arrow at the end of the Save menu and select Export. Architect saves the flow to your downloads folder.