Genesys Cloud support of toll-free messaging verification for the United States and Canada

In 2022, the United States and Canada (US/CA) wireless carriers instituted Toll-Free Number (TFN) Verification to legitimize A2P (Application-to-Person) text messaging. The carriers created a formal process that enables TFNs to send and receive text messages. The goal for TFN Verification is part of a concerted effort to decrease text spam and phishing messages.

All text messaging programs that use US/CA TFNs, regardless of the use case, must be registered to avoid blocking.

How do I register?

To request the TFN registration form, send an email to

Please use the Tip sheet for assistance with filling out the form.

After you complete the form, email it here.

For now, registration is managed manually through a form submission. We are presently collecting your company and use case information in a registration form that you need to fill out in its entirety before Genesys can register the TFN on your behalf. Failing to provide all the required information extends the registration lead-time. Registration consists of five main pieces of information:

  • Company information – Name, Federal EIN, Address, etc.
  • Use case information – Customer service chat, notifications, marketing, etc.
  • Opt-In Method – Website, Contract, IVR, Agent/Phone, Keyword, etc.
  • Call to Action (CTA) – How your company is obtaining consent to text your customers including evidence of how you are obtaining it.
  • The TFN phone number to be associated with each use case.

If you are a charity or political organization, contact for specific registration requirements.

What is A2P text messaging (SMS)?

The wireless carriers classify A2P text messaging as any business-to-consumer SMS routing to or from software, regardless of the use case. Any SMS sent from or received by Genesys software is classified as A2P.

What is toll-free number verification?

Toll-free number verification means that your use case was reviewed and deemed to be compliant before the TFN is approved for messaging.

When do I need to register?

Any new TFN must be verified before use.

Change in pending wireless carrier approval throughput:

  • January 31, 2024: Any newly purchased or hosted TFNs will now be fully restricted from sending SMS until verification is approved by the wireless carriers. (Previously, wireless carriers allowed a limited throughput (10,000 outbound messages a month) while verification was pending approval.)

How long does registration take?

The current lead-time to complete registration is 1- 2 weeks. If you have not already submitted your registration done so, submit your registration request as soon as possible.

What happens if I don’t register?

If you don’t register your program, your TFNs will be blocked.

If you no longer want to use your TFNs due to this registration requirement, release them from Genesys Cloud in the SMS inventory and you will not incur further charges.

Does every program need to be registered?

Yes. Regardless of how you use TFNs (for high volume campaigns, inbound customer service, low-volume testing, 2FA/OTP, and so on), your company and use case must be registered to avoid being blocked. For more information, see SMS best practices for a compliant program.

Is Opt-in required for all programs?

Yes. In the eyes of the FCC, CTIA, and wireless carriers, obtaining consent is not optional, even for inbound-initiated programs. Wherever you advertise that your customer can use text as a communication channel or sign up for a recurring message program, the expectations must be clearly defined for why they are providing their mobile number.

Do these changes only apply to SMS or is MMS affected too?

These changes apply to both SMS and MMS. Throughput limits and surcharges for MMS vary by use case.

Do these changes apply to 10DLC as well?

Unregistered 10DLCs have been blocked since August 31, 2023. For more information, see Genesys Cloud support of 10DLC (10-Digit Long Code).

Is voice on TFNs impacted by this change?

No. Voice calling is not impacted.

Have other questions?

If you have any questions that are not covered in the FAQ, send them to


Modified date

Updated the FAQ section with current information on the deadlines.


Added registration date deadlines. Clarified that if you don’t register your program, your TFNs will be blocked.


Updated article layout and organization.


Updated article to meet current industry guidelines and to be consistent with 10DLC.


Article/FAQ created.