Fix failed contact list requests

Note: This article applies to Genesys Cloud for Salesforce.

When you monitor campaign activity in Genesys Cloud for Salesforce, you could see failed contact list requests. You can fix the underlying issues for the failed requests. 

  1. Check the failures.
    1. In Salesforce, click Setup.
    2. Search for Installed Packages.
    3. Under Build, click Installed Packages.
    4. Click Configure next to the Genesys Cloud for Salesforce package that you want to configure. 
    5. Click Campaign Management.
    6. Click Arrow  in the failed contact list requests subsection.

    The Failed Contact List Requests page appears.

  2. Work through each Genesys Cloud contact list request.
    1. Click a contact list request.

      The API Response field lists the reason for the failure.

    2. Based on the API Response, fix the underlying issue.

      After you fix the issue, new contact list requests sync between your Salesforce and Genesys Cloud organizations. However, failed contact list requests do not automatically sync. You must manually sync the failed contact list requests. (If you do not want to resync them, then delete the failed contact list requests.)

    3. Click Edit next to the Genesys Cloud contact list request.
    4. Change Failed Attempts to 0.
    5. Click Save.

    The integration then attempts to sync the campaign member record in Salesforce to the contact list in Genesys Cloud. 

  3. Repeat step 2 for each failed contact list request.

After you fix and reroute or delete all failed contact list requests, this subsection disappears.

For more information, see Monitor campaign activity, Campaign members are not syncing to Genesys Cloud, and Configure Genesys Cloud contact list sync job

For more information about the integration, see About Genesys Cloud for Salesforce.