Explore a contact’s organization

View all of the information for an organization associated with a contact, including contact information for the organization, contacts in the organization, notes associated with an organization, and the dates, notes, and wrap-up codes of previous interactions associated with an organization.

If no organization is associated with the client, select or create one.

Note: Contacts do not have to have an organization associated with them.
  1. From a contact’s profile in the Interactions panel, click the arrow beside the organization’s name.orgprofilearrow
    The organizations’s full profile opens to the right of the Interactions panel. 
  2. From the full organization profile, you can:
  3. To create a new organization and associate it with the contact, click New Organization. Then complete the fields and click Verify and save.
  4. To select an existing organization for the contact, click Select Organization. Then search for the organization you want. Select it and click Link.
  5. To return to the profile in the Interactions panel, click the X.