Configure emergency routing to a local gateway

  • Telephony > Plugin > All permission

To configure emergency routing to a local gateway, complete the following procedure.

Note: This procedure applies only to hardware Edges under the BYOC Premises telephony connection option. It does not apply to Genesys Cloud Voice, BYOC Cloud, or virtual Edges.

Complete the Create a trunk under BYOC Premises and enter the IP address of your gateway in the Hostname or IP Address field.

  1. Click Admin.
  2. Under Telephony, click Sites.
  3. Click the site that contains the local gateway.
  4. Click the Outbound Routes tab.
  5. In the Outbound Route column, click Default Outbound Route.
  6. In the Classifications field, click the x on Emergency to delete the Emergency classification from the Default Outbound Route.
  7. Click New Outbound Route.
  8. Type a name in the Outbound Route Name field.
  9. Click Select an External Trunk and add the trunk you created in the “Create a tie line to the local gateway” procedure.
  10. Click in the Classifications field and select Emergency.
  11. Click Save Outbound Routes.

  1. Click Admin.
  2. Under Telephony, click Edges.
  3. In the Edge Name column, click the Edge.
  4. Click the Network Interfaces tab.
  5. Click the port for the SIP trunk traffic. 
  6. Click the Select an External SIP Trunk field and select the trunk that you want to connect to the network interface.
  7. Click Save Edge.
  8. Repeat the procedure for any additional Edges within your Edge group.