Genesys Cloud
Deprecation: Genesys Cloud Bridge integrations

Announced on Effective date
2019-01-16 2022-06-15

On June 15, 2022, Genesys Cloud completed the Bridge platform decommission. The Bridge platform performed integrations between Genesys Cloud and customer systems or services. Genesys Cloud replaced the Bridge platform with cloud technology solutions that strengthen its cloud deployment and delivery model. The Bridge platform, consisting of Bridge services, Bridge server, and Bridge connectors, was removed from the Genesys Cloud platform. The corresponding Bridge platform documentation was removed from the Resource Center. 

Bridge Platform component Action Deprecation date

Verint WFM RTA connector

Verint WFM Historical connector

Customers can no longer open support cases for Verint WFM connector integration issues. January 31, 2020

Active Directory connector

Microsoft Exchange connector

REST Dynamic connector

SQL database connector

Workday connector

Customers can no longer open support cases for Bridge connectors for Collaborate (data sync) integration issues. July 1, 2020
Web services data dip connector Customers can no longer open support cases for Web services data dip connector integration issues. July 1, 2020
CIC data connector

Customers can no longer open support cases for CIC data connector integration issues.

October 31, 2020

Bridge server Customers can no longer install new Bridge server instances or open support cases for Bridge server issues.

October 31, 2020

Bridge platform Genesys begins to decommission the Bridge platform. Once the Bridge Platform is decommissioned and removed for all customers, Genesys will remove the Bridge platform documentation from the Resource Center.

January 1, 2021(Decommission start date)

June 15, 2022 (Decommission completion date.

Important: The Bridge integrations will be replaced with comparable or similar functionality by the January 1, 2021 start decommission date. Each has a different migration platform.


What does this mean? 

Between the announcement date and the removal date for this feature, the Bridge integrations and the Bridge server will continue to function, but Genesys will no longer support them past their deprecation dates. We will continue to resolve any major breakage until the removal date. 

Am I affected?

If you installed Genesys Cloud Bridge and use any of the Bridge integrations listed above, then you will be affected. To validate, view the installed Bridge connectors in the URL for the AWS region where your Genesys Cloud organization is located.

AWS Region


US East (N. Virginia)

US East 2 (Ohio)

Not supported

US West (Oregon)

Canada (Canada Central)

EU (Frankfurt)

EU (Ireland)

EU (London)

Asia Pacific (Mumbai)

Not supported

Asia Pacific (Seoul) 

Asia Pacific (Sydney)

Asia Pacific (Tokyo)

How can I prepare for the feature removal?

Each Bridge integration will have a different migration plan to provide comparable or similar functionality using alternative means. Some of the migration plans include the delivery of additional capabilities directly on the Genesys Cloud platform, while others may be delivered through open source or third-party applications, or through partner offerings available on the Genesys AppFoundry. Customers using the Bridge integrations will need to follow through with the migration plans for their specific integration. The migration plans will be made available through Genesys Customer Care, Genesys Professional Services, your Customer Success Manager, or your Genesys Cloud TAM.  

What if I need help or have questions?

Contact MySupport, Genesys Professional Services, your Customer Success Manager, or your Genesys Cloud TAM.