Define custom KPI

  Feature coming soon


The following permissions:

  • Routing > KeyPerformanceIndicator > View
  • Routing > KeyPerformanceIndicator > Add
  • Routing > KeyPerformanceIndicator > Edit
  • Routing > Wrap-up Code > View

The Custom KPI page lists the different KPIs that are available for your organization. The KPIs that you create can track the revenue-based outcomes of your organizations and are tracked with wrap-up codes.  For more information, see Custom KPI for predictive routing.

  1. Select Admin > Custom KPI
  2. Click Define a new custom KPI.
    Note: You can create a maximum of 10 custom KPIs for each KPI type and a total of 50 custom KPIs for each organization.
  3. Choose the type of KPI to optimize and enter the following information:
    Field Description
    Supported KPI type

    The custom KPI type that the KPI tracks. As a best practice, create short names to be able to view the name in full at the time of queue configuration and activation.

    Name The name of KPI. You can create one custom KPI per KPI type.
    Description The description of the KPI.
    Wrap-up code

    Available only if the data source is wrap-up code. 

    The wrap-up code that tracks the actual outcome of the interaction. Ensure that the wrap-up code specifically tracks the completion of the goal, such as follows:

    • Sales conversion KPI type – Use wrap-up codes that track completion of sale. For example, sale of a new insurance plan.
    • Customer retention KPI type – Use wrap-up codes that track events of customers continuing the service. For example, a contract that was renewed.
    • Customer churn KPI type – Use wrap-up codes that track the prevention of a potential customer exit. For example, a contract cancellation that was prevented.
    Note: Wrap-up codes cannot be added or removed after the custom KPI is created. You can map upto 50 wrap-up codes against a custom revenue KPI.
  4. Click Save.
    The new custom KPI is now listed on the Custom KPI page. 
  5. (Applicable only to outcome-based custom KPI) On the Custom KPI page, click the linked name of the KPI, and copy the dedicated outcome ID. Use this ID in the Outcome Attributions API to upload outcome data to Genesys Cloud. For more information, see Outcome Attributions API.
    Note: When you create a custom KPI, ensure you upload historical outcome data for at least 60 days.

The KPI is available for use in queues that have predictive routing enabled. For next steps, see Create and configure queues

Important notes:

  • After you create a new custom revenue KPI, allow at least 24 hours before you use the KPI to run benefit assessment or to activate predictive routing.
  • The new custom KPI is automatically enabled and is available for use after 24 to 48 hours of the upload of outcome data. In order to wait for sufficient data to be available before activating the queue with the custom KPI, you can disable the KPI by clicking the name of the KPI from the custom KPI page and disabling the Status button. When the custom KPI is disabled, the KPI will not be available on the list of available KPIs on the Create and configure queues page. However, during such time, you can upload the outcome data using the Outcome Attributions API to continue with the data model building process for the said KPI.
  • When you create a custom KPI, the outcome is available on the Genesys Cloud Outcomes view with the naming convention, Predictive_Routing_{kpi_name}_outcome. If the outcome is deleted on the Outcomes page, the respective custom KPI can no longer be used.