Data action fails in interaction flows

Note: This article applies to the AWS Lambda, Genesys Cloud, Google, Microsoft Dynamics 365, Salesforce, web services, and Zendesk data actions integrations.

A data action takes the failure path in the interaction flow in Architect. All responses in Scripts are null. A data action can fail for several reasons.

Tip: As a general practice, test custom actions for help identifying issues. For more information, see Test data actions.

  • Credential and account issues
    • The role associated with your AWS Lambda function changed, but you did not update it in the integration configuration in Genesys Cloud.
    • You deactivated or deleted the integration in Genesys Cloud, but you are still referencing it in your interaction flow.
      • Update the published interaction flow in Architect to reference an active integration and associated data actions.
    • You deleted a custom action, but you are still referencing it in your interaction flow.
      • Recreate the custom action and update your flow.
  • Search result issues
    • The data action finds no search results or more than one search result. If a data action finds that there are no search results or more than one search result, then the data action takes the failure path from the Call Data Action in Architect.
      • Confirm that your input variables in Architect are compatible with and expected by your AWS Lambda function. Architect passes the input variables, including any quotes, punctuation, and symbols, directly to your AWS Lambda.
      • Search your AWS Lambda function for the same data that the connector searched for. If your AWS Lambda function returns no results or more than one result, then the failure path was correctly followed in your interaction flow.
  • Connection issues
    • The integration is unable to connect to your AWS Lambda function. This issue is typically due to invalid credentials in the integration configuration in Genesys Cloud. 
  • Response issues
    • The response from your AWS Lambda function has changed and no longer conforms to the success schema.
      • Test the action, correct any issues, and republish the action. For more information, see Test data actions.
    • The response cannot be flattened.
      • Test the action, correct any issues, and republish the action. For more information, see Test data actions.
    • The connection times out. The integration does not receive a response from your AWS Lambda function before the expected time has passed.
      • Confirm that your AWS Lambda function does not take longer than 20 seconds to execute.

For more information about the integration, see About the AWS Lambda data actions integration.

  • Credential and account issues
    • The Google service account permissions for the credentials provided in the integration configuration in Genesys Cloud changed.
      • Test the action to see if there is a missing permission. For more information, see Test data actions.
    • The Google service account credentials changed for the account provided in the integration configuration in Genesys Cloud, but you did not update them in the integration configuration in Genesys Cloud. 
    • You deactivated or deleted the integration, but you are still referencing it in your interaction flow.
      • Update the published interaction flow in Architect to reference an active integration and associated data actions.
    • You deleted a custom action, but you are still referencing it in your interaction flow.
      • Recreate the custom action and update your flow.
  • Search result issues
    • The data action finds no search results or more than one search result. If a data action finds that there are no search results or more than one search result, then the data action takes the failure path from the Call Data Action in Architect.
      • Check the Google user permissions in Google.
      • Confirm that your input variables in Architect are compatible with and expected by the Google Cloud API or G Suite APIs. Architect passes the input variables, including any quotes, punctuation, and symbols, directly to the Google APIs.
      • Search Google for the same data that the integration searched for. If Google returns no results or more than one result, then the data action correctly followed the failure path in your interaction flow.
  • Connection issues
    • The integration is unable to connect to Google. This issue is typically due to invalid or missing credentials in the integration configuration in Genesys Cloud. However, this issue can also be due to security settings in your Google organization or an outage of the Google server.
      • Test the action to see which specific error message is returned. For more information, see Test data actions.
      • Reenter your Google credentials in the integration configuration in Genesys Cloud. For more information, see Add a data actions integration.
  • Response issues 
    • The response from Google changed and no longer conforms to the success schema.
      • Test the action, correct any issues, and republish the action. For more information, see Test data actions.
    • The response cannot be flattened.
      • Test the action, correct any issues, and republish the action. For more information, see Test data actions.
    • The connection times out. The integration does not receive a response from the server before the expected time has passed.
  • API rate limiting
    • Your Google organization reached its allowable number of API requests.
      • Contact Google support.

For more information, see About the Google data actions integration.

  • Credential and account issues
    • The Microsoft Dynamics 365 user permissions for the account provided in the integration configuration in Genesys Cloud changed.
      • Check the Microsoft Dynamics 365 user permissions in Microsoft Dynamics 365.
    • The Microsoft Dynamics 365 user credentials for the account provided in the integration configuration in Genesys Cloud changed, but you did not update them in the integration configuration in Genesys Cloud.
      • Reenter your Microsoft Dynamics 365 credentials in the integration configuration in Genesys Cloud. For more information, see Add a data actions integration.
    • You deactivated or deleted the integration, but you are still referencing it in your interaction flow.
      • Update the published interaction flow in Architect to reference an active integration and associated data actions.
    • You deleted a custom action, but you are still referencing it in your interaction flow.
      • Recreate the custom action and update your flow.
  • Search result issues
    • The data action finds no search results or more than one search result. If a data action finds that there are no search results or more than one search result, then the data action takes the failure path from the Call Data Action in Architect. 
      • Double-check the format of your phone numbers. For more information, see Phone number searches.
      • Check the Microsoft Dynamics 365 user permissions in Microsoft Dynamics 365.
      • Search Microsoft Dynamics 365 for the same data that the integration searched for. If Microsoft Dynamics 365 returns no results or more than one result, then the data action correctly followed the failure path in your interaction flow.
  • Connection issues
    • The integration is unable to connect to Microsoft Dynamics 365. This issue is typically due to invalid or missing credentials in the integration configuration in Genesys Cloud. However, this issue can also be due to security settings in your Microsoft Dynamics 365 organization or an outage of the Microsoft Dynamics 365 server. 
      • Confirm that you can access Microsoft Dynamics 365.
      • Review the Microsoft Dynamics 365 security settings.
      • Check the Microsoft Dynamics 365 user permissions in Microsoft Dynamics 365. The user must be able to access any data that you want to make available to the Microsoft Dynamics 365 data action integration.
      • Reenter your Microsoft Dynamics 365 credentials in the integration configuration in Genesys Cloud. For more information, see Add a data actions integration.
  • Response issues 
    • The response from Microsoft Dynamics 365 has changed and no longer conforms to the success schema.
      • For custom actions, test the action, correct any issues, and republish the action. For more information, see Test data actions.
      • For static actions, contact Customer Care.
    • The connection times out. The integration does not receive a response from the server before the expected time has passed.

For more information about the integration, see About the Microsoft Dynamics 365 data actions integration.

  • Credential and account issues
    • Your Genesys Cloud OAuth client credentials changed, but you did not update them in the integration configuration in Genesys Cloud.
    • You deactivated or deleted the integration in Genesys Cloud, but you are still referencing it in your interaction flow.
      • Update the published interaction flow in Architect to reference an active integration and associated data actions.
    • You deleted a custom action, but you are still referencing it in your interaction flow.
      • Recreate the custom action and update your flow.
  • Search result issues
    • The data action finds no search results or more than one search result. If a data action finds that there are no search results or more than one search result, then the data action takes the failure path from the Call Data Action in Architect.
      • Confirm that your input variables in Architect are compatible with and expected by the Platform API. Architect passes the input variables, including any quotes, punctuation, and symbols, directly to the Platform API.
      • Search the Platform API for the same data that the connector searched for. Use the API Explorer to verify that you are receiving the results that you expected. For more information, see Developer tools quick start (Genesys Cloud Developer Center).
  • Authentication issues
    • The credentials in the integration configuration in Genesys Cloud are invalid.
  • Response issues
    • The response cannot be flattened.
      • Test the action, correct any issues, and republish the action. For more information, see Test data actions.
    • The connection times out. The integration does not receive a response from the server before the expected time has passed.

For more information about the integration, see About the Genesys Cloud data actions integration.

  • Credential and account issues
    • The Salesforce user permissions for the account provided in the integration configuration in Genesys Cloud changed.
      • Check the Salesforce user permissions in Salesforce.
    • For a Salesforce org created in Summer ’23 or later, the OAuth 2.0 username-password flow is blocked by default. 
      • Enable Allow OAuth Username-Password Flows settings in OAuth and OpenID Connect Settings. For more information, see Salesforce Release Notes.
    • The Salesforce user credentials changed for the account provided in the integration configuration in Genesys Cloud, but you did not update them in the integration configuration in Genesys Cloud. 
    • You deactivated or deleted the integration, but you are still referencing it in your interaction flow.
      • Update the published interaction flow in Architect to reference an active integration and associated data actions.
    • You deleted a custom action, but you are still referencing it in your interaction flow.
      • Recreate the custom action and update your flow.
  • Search result issues
    • The data action finds no search results or more than one search result. If a data action finds that there are no search results or more than one search result, then the data action takes the failure path from the Call Data Action in Architect.
      • Check the Salesforce user permissions in Salesforce.
      • Search Salesforce for the same data that the integration searched for. If Salesforce returns no results or more than one result, then the data action correctly followed the failure path in your interaction flow.
  • Connection issues
    • The integration is unable to connect to Salesforce. This issue is typically due to invalid or missing credentials in the integration configuration in Genesys Cloud. However, this issue can also be due to security settings in your Salesforce organization or an outage of the Salesforce server.
      • Confirm that you can access Salesforce.
      • Review the Salesforce security settings.
      • Check the Salesforce user permissions in Salesforce. If the Salesforce user does not have a profile with API Enabled selected, then the integration cannot connect to Salesforce. 
      • Reenter your Salesforce credentials in the integration configuration in Genesys Cloud. For more information, see Add a data actions integration.
  • Response issues 
    • The response from Salesforce changed and no longer conforms to the success schema.
      • For custom actions, test the action, correct any issues, and republish the action. For more information, see Test data actions.
      • For static actions, contact Customer Care.
    • The response cannot be flattened.
      • For custom actions, test the action, correct any issues, and republish the action. For more information, see Test data actions.
      • For static actions, contact Customer Care.
    • The connection times out. The integration does not receive a response from the server before the expected time has passed.

For more information about the integration, see About the Salesforce data actions integration.

  • Credential and account issues
    • Your web services credentials changed, but you did not update them in the integration configuration in Genesys Cloud.
    • You deactivated or deleted the integration in Genesys Cloud, but you are still referencing it in your interaction flow.
      • Update the published interaction flow in Architect to reference an active integration and associated data actions.
    • You deleted a custom action, but you are still referencing it in your interaction flow.
      • Recreate the custom action and update your flow.
  • Search result issues
    • The data action finds no search results or more than one search result. If a data action finds that there are no search results or more than one search result, then the data action takes the failure path from the Call Data Action in Architect.
      • Confirm that your input variables in Architect are compatible with and expected by your web services implementation. Architect passes the input variables, including any quotes, punctuation, and symbols, directly to your web service.
      • Search your web service for the same data that the connector searched for. If your web service returns no results or more than one result, then the failure path was correctly followed in your interaction flow.
  • Connection issues
    • The integration is unable to connect to your web services server. This issue is typically due to invalid credentials in the integration configuration in Genesys Cloud. 
  • Response issues
    • The response from web service has changed and no longer conforms to the success schema.
      • Test the action, correct any issues, and republish the action. For more information, see Test data actions.
    • The response cannot be flattened.
      • Test the action, correct any issues, and republish the action. For more information, see Test data actions.
    • The connection times out. The integration does not receive a response from the server before the expected time has passed.

For more information about the integration, see About the web services data actions integration.

  • Credential and account issues
    • The Zendesk user permissions for the account provided in the integration configuration in Genesys Cloud changed.
      • Check the Zendesk user permissions in Zendesk.
    • The Zendesk user credentials for the account provided in the integration configuration in Genesys Cloud changed, but you did not update them in the integration configuration in Genesys Cloud.
    • You deactivated or deleted the integration, but you are still referencing it in your interaction flow. 
      • Update the published interaction flow in Architect to reference an active integration and associated data actions.
    • You deleted a custom action, but you are still referencing it in your interaction flow.
      • Recreate the custom action and update your flow.
  • Search result issues
    • The data action finds no search results or more than one search result. If a data action finds that there are no search results or more than one search result, then the data action takes the failure path from the Call Data Action in Architect.
      • Double-check the format of your phone numbers. For more information, see Phone number searches.
      • Check the Zendesk user permissions in Zendesk.
      • Search Zendesk for the same data that the integration searched for. If Zendesk returns no results or more than one result, then the data action correctly followed the failure path in your interaction flow.
  • Connection issues
    • The integration is unable to connect to Zendesk. This issue is typically due to invalid or missing credentials in the integration configuration in Genesys Cloud. However, this issue can also be due to security settings in your Zendesk organization or an outage of the Zendesk server.
      • Confirm that you can access Zendesk.
      • Review the Zendesk security settings.
      • Check the Zendesk user permissions in Zendesk. The user must be an administrator who can access the API.
      • Reenter your Zendesk credentials in the integration configuration in Genesys Cloud. For more information, see Add a data actions integration.
  • Response issues 
    • The response from Zendesk has changed and no longer conforms to the success schema.
      • For custom actions, test the action, correct any issues, and republish the action. For more information, see Test data actions.
      • For static actions, contact Customer Care.
    • The connection times out. The integration does not receive a response from the server before the expected time has passed.
  • API rate limiting
    • Your Zendesk organization reached its allowable number of API requests.
      • Contact Zendesk support.

For more information about the integrations, see About the AWS Lambda data actions integration, About the Genesys Cloud data actions integration, About the Microsoft Dynamics 365 data actions integration, About the Salesforce data actions integration, About the web services data actions integration, and About the Zendesk data actions integration.