Create a data filter

Feature coming soon: Digital data filtering rules

The following permissions:

  • Dataprivacy > Maskingrule > Add
  • Dataprivacy > Maskingrule > Delete
  • Dataprivacy > Maskingrule > Edit
  • Dataprivacy > Maskingrule > Execute
  • Dataprivacy > Maskingrule > View

Administrators can create filters that hide sensitive data such as email addresses, government identification numbers, financial account numbers, and other text strings in inbound digital interactions. You can create a custom filter from scratch to meet your requirement.

  1. Click Admin.
  2. Under Account Settings, click Digital Data Filtering Rules.
  3. Click Create Data Filter.
  4. Enter a unique name for the filter in the Filter Name field.
  5. (Optional) Enter a description for the filter in the Description field.
  6. Select one or more digital channels from the Channels list. 
  7. Enter a regular expression for the filter in the Regular Expression to validate this field.

    The regular expression is used to match strings in the inbound digital interactions and mask them. For example, the following regular expression partially masks IPv4 addresses:

    Regular Expression Example Before Masking After Masking
    \d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3} XXXXX.1 XXXXXXXX.22
    333.333.333.333 XXXXXXXXXXX.333

    To learn more about regular expressions, see Regular expression language quick reference.
  8. (Optional) To preview the filter, perform the following steps:
    1. In the Enter test data box, enter a test message that conforms with the regular expression.

      You can also use the examples given in the previous step.

    2. Click Run Test.
    3. Verify that the matching strings are replaced with X in the Filtered Test Data box.
  9. Click Save.
    • The filter gets enabled automatically after its creation.
    • You can have up to 15 active filters at a time for each channel. If this limit is reached, you cannot create more filters for that channel unless you disable a filter.