Contact list filters view

Use this view to manage filters for your contact lists. 

You can apply one of these filters to a campaign to limit the dialing to contacts that match the filter. For example, you may want the campaign to dial only those contacts within the contact list that have a specific zip code. 

When creating an Import template, you can select a contact list filter to determine which contact records are included in your contact list. 

Contact list filter properties include:

  • The contact list associated with the contact list filter.
  • The filter conditions that determine the contacts to dial. For more information, see Contact list filter conditions overview.
  • The campaigns associated with the contact list filter.

Contact list filters view

Columns in the Contact List Filters view

Column  Description
Checkboxes By checking boxes in the first column, administrators select items for processing by an action such as edit, copy, or delete.

The name of the contact list filter is a hyperlink. When clicked, it opens the properties of the filter.

To filter the name selections in the list:

  1. Type all or part of a contact list filter name in the filter box.
    Contact List Filters view name search
  2. Click Apply. The list updates with matching items.
Source Type

Source types are Contact List and Contact List Template.

  1. Click the Search box to filter by Source Type.
  2. Click Apply. The list updated with matching items. 
Contact List

The name of the contact list associated with the contact list filter is a hyperlink. When clicked, it opens the properties of the contact list.

To filter the contact list selections in the list:

  1. Type all or part of a contact list name in the filter box. 
    Contact List search
  2. Click Apply. The list updates with matching items.
Contact List Template

This column displays the name of the contact list template associated with the contact list filter. The name of the contact list template is a hyperlink. When clicked, it opens the properties of the contact list template. 

To filter the contact list templates in the list:

  1. Type all or part of a contact list template name in the filter box.
  2. Click Apply. The list updates with matching items.

To sort this view, click the Contact List column. The caret in the Contact List heading indicates whether the column sorts in ascending or descending order.
