Configure page layout settings for campaigns and campaign members

Note: This article applies to Genesys Cloud for Salesforce and CX Cloud from Genesys and Salesforce integrations.

After you configure the campaign management global settings in Salesforce, add some fields to page layouts for campaigns and campaign members in Salesforce. Genesys Cloud provides possible values to select during the syncing of campaign data between your Salesforce and Genesys Cloud organizations.

  1. In Salesforce, click Setup.
  2. Search for Page Layouts in the Quick Find box. 
  3. Navigate to Object Manager > Campaign > Page Layouts.
  4. Either create a campaign page layout or edit an existing campaign page layout. 
    • New campaign page layout
      1. Click New.
      2. Enter a name for Page Layout Name.
    • Existing campaign page layout
      1. Click Edit next to a campaign page layout that you want to edit.
  5. Drag the following fields to the Campaign Detail section: 
    • Genesys Cloud Campaign Setting – Campaign setting that you associate with a Genesys Cloud campaign in Salesforce. 

      A campaign setting allows you to associate the data synced from Genesys Cloud with a new or existing campaign in Salesforce. For more information, see Concepts for campaign management and Associate a campaign setting with a campaign

      Warning: There might be options in Genesys Cloud on campaign settings that are not yet available from the Salesforce UI. Do not change the campaign settings directly in Genesys Cloud. Otherwise, campaigns in Salesforce will not behave as expected.

    • (Optional) Genesys Cloud Campaign ID – ID of the Genesys Cloud campaign.

      This ID indicates that the campaign is created successfully in Genesys Cloud. For more information about Genesys Cloud campaigns, see Concepts for campaign management.

      Warning: Do not modify this ID.

    • (Optional) Genesys Cloud Contact List ID – ID of the Genesys Cloud contact list.

      This ID indicates that the contact list is created successfully in Genesys Cloud. The contact list contains the campaign members associated with this campaign in Salesforce. For more information about contact lists, see Concepts for campaign management

      Warning: Do not modify this ID.

    • (Optional) Time Zone – Time zone for the location where the campaign runs. 
    • Genesys Cloud Campaign Status – Status of the campaign, for example, Running, Scheduled, Not Running.
    • (Optional) Reconciled Contact Results – Reconciliation of contact results.

      This check box indicates whether Genesys Cloud reconciled data to the campaign member records in Salesforce at the completion of the campaign. For more information, see Reconciliation of campaign data.

    • (Optional) Genesys Cloud Campaign Schedule – Campaign schedule that you associate with a Genesys Cloud campaign in Salesforce.

      By default, a campaign runs from 12:00 AM on the Start Date to 11:59 PM on the End Date of the campaign. A campaign schedule allows you to control when a campaign runs. For more information, see Associate a campaign schedule with a campaign.

      Warning: Do not change campaign schedules in Genesys Cloud. If you do change them in Genesys Cloud, campaigns in Salesforce will not behave as expected.

    • (Optional) Genesys Cloud Campaign Priority – Priority of the campaign from 5 (highest) to 1 (lowest). Genesys Cloud places calls from campaigns with higher priority before campaigns with lower priority. If priority is not set, Genesys Cloud assumes a default priority of 5.
  6. Click Save.
  1. In Salesforce, click Setup.
  2. Search for Page Layouts in the Quick Find box. 
  3. Navigate to Object Manager > Campaign Members > Page Layouts.
  4. Either create a campaign member page layout or edit a campaign member page layout.
    • New campaign member page layout
      1. Click New.
      2. Enter a name for Page Layout Name.
    • Existing campaign member page layout
      1. Click Edit next to a campaign page layout that you want to edit.
  5. Drag the following fields to the Campaign Member Detail section: 
    • (Optional) Synced to Genesys Cloud – Data synced to Genesys Cloud.

      This check box indicates whether the campaign management setup synced campaign member data to the Genesys Cloud contact list.

    • (Optional) Time Zone – Time zone of the campaign member.
    • (Optional) Reconciled Result – Reconciliation of contact list results.

      This check box indicates whether the campaign management setup reconciled Genesys Cloud contact list data with Salesforce campaign member data. For more information, see Reconciliation of campaign data.

    • Last Attempt – Last date and time that an agent attempted to contact the campaign member.
    • Last Result – Result of the last attempt to contact the campaign member.

      If the campaign management setup dialed more than one phone number, this field lists the results of the last attempt to contact the campaign member.

    • (Optional) Sort Order – Order of campaign members in the contact list.

      This field indicates the value used to order campaign members in the Genesys Cloud contact list. For more information, see Configure phone type management.

  6. Click Save.
  1. Assign the page layout to user profiles. A user’s profile determines which page layout they can see.

    For more information, see Assign Page Layouts to Profiles or Record Types in the Salesforce documentation.

For more information, see Set up campaign management in CX Cloud from Genesys and Salesforce and Set up campaign management in Genesys Cloud for Salesforce.