Chat rooms and groups best practices and recommendations

The following are important notes, best practices, and recommendations for chat rooms and groups:

  • Chat conversations are permanent; you cannot delete them.
  • Some groups are private, which makes them invisible to you unless you are a member or someone invites you to the chat room. Groups that are not public are visible only to group members and owners.
  • When you join a public group chat room, you can only remove yourself from the chat room by closing the conversation. If you are a member of a group, the room reopens in your chat roster when anyone posts a new chat message in the room.
  • When you close a chat, you stop receiving notifications for it. However, if it is a group chat and you are a member of that group, the chat reappears whenever there is a new chat.
  • Closing a message moves that thread to your Recently Closed list, which keeps the most recent 20 threads you have closed. When you try to join a group chat room that is full, you can only browse the group chat’s history. You cannot join the chat, post messages, or search chat history until other users leave the chat room. For more information, see What does it mean if the group chat room is full? 
  • Group chat history is persistent. Anyone that you add to the group can view the entire group chat history back to the creation of the group. 
  • While groups and chat rooms are similar, they are not the same. When an admin creates a group, Genesys Cloud automatically creates a chat room with the same name. The admin can later delete the group, but the admin cannot delete the related chat room.