Available schedule views

The schedule editor includes four schedule view options. By default, the schedule editor opens in View by Day mode.

Schedule view Description Available actions
View by Day

Displays the current schedule in day mode. This format shows 24 hours in the schedule. Day mode displays the daily activity counts, but does not include daily summaries.

 In Day mode, you can:

  • Assign a shift to another agent
  • Replace shifts with activities
  • Swap shifts
  • Copy activities and shifts to other agents
  • Copy shifts to other days
  • Remove shifts and activities
  • Set up filter and sort parameters
  • Add agents to the schedule
View by Date Range

Displays the current schedule by a range of dates in hourly time slots, up to one week. Date Range mode displays the daily activity counts, but does not include daily summaries. 

In Date Range mode, you can:

  • Assign a shift to another agent
  • Replace shifts with activities
  • Swap shifts
  • Copy activities and shifts to other agents
  • Copy shifts to other days
  • Remove shifts and activities
  • Set up filter and sort parameters
  • Add agents to the schedule
View by Week

Displays the current schedule in a weekly format. This mode displays daily schedules in 24 hour (or shift) time slots, up to one week. Week mode also displays daily summaries of agents with shifts, paid hours, and total hours.

In Week mode, you can:

  • Assign a shift to another agent
  • Assign all shifts from one agent to another
  • Replace shifts with activities
  • Swap one or more shifts between agents
  • Copy activities and shifts to other agents
  • Copy shifts to other days
  • Remove shifts and activities
  • Set up filter and sort parameters
  • Add agents to the schedule
  • Remove agents from the schedule
Vertical View

Displays the current schedule listed by agent. Click the + next to each agent to view his or her schedule details for the current week.

This view does not display activity counts or daily summaries.

In Vertical view, you can:

  • Assign a shift to another agent
  • Assign all shifts from one agent to another
  • Replace shifts with activities
  • Swap one or more shifts between agents
  • Copy activities and shifts to other agents
  • Copy shifts to other days
  • Remove shifts and activities
  • Set up filter and sort parameters
  • Add agents to the schedule
  • Remove agents from the schedule: