Assign a call analysis response to a campaign

  1. Click Admin.
  2. Under Outbound, click Campaign Management.
  3. Click the Voice Campaigns or Digital Campaigns tab.
  4. In the campaigns list, find the campaign you want to assign a call analysis response to. As you cannot change the properties of a running campaign, if the campaign is On, pause the campaign to turn it Off.
    Figure shows how to turn a running campaign off
  5. To edit a campaign’s properties, click its name.
    Figure shows selecting a campaign's name from the list
  6. In the Call Response box, select the call response set to assign to the campaign. Begin typing the call response name to select a name, or use the dropdown list to select a name.
    figure shows control used to select a call analysis response set
    Note: If the Call Response list is empty, Click Cancel, and then create a new call analysis response. After you have created the new call analysis response, it will be available to select in the Call Response box.
  7. Click Save.
    Note: If the campaign was previously running, turn on the campaign in the Status column to restart it. Assigning a call response set has no effect until the campaign is running and selecting records to dial.