Architect built-in variables

Built-in variables provide information about things the system tracks automatically, such as the caller’s phone number, or the contact list associated with an outbound flow. This article lists the default system variables built into Architect for each type of flow. You can also access descriptions in the embedded Function and Operator help.

Architect contains various system-scoped variables that begin with Min or Max. These variables hold the minimum and maximum value allowed for certain data types and are similar to constants in many programming languages. In Architect, they are built-in and read-only system variables. For example, the System.MinDateTime variable holds the minimum allowed value of a DateTime data type, which is January 1st, 1800 at 12:00:00 a.m.

*Note: Various actions cause a call to enter a flow, including, but not limited to:
  • An inbound call arrives.
  • A call transfers to a flow by another flow.
  • A call transfers to a flow by a user. 

Each flow makes available to the flow author two "called address" variables. Consumers typically see these addresses as phone numbers, but they can contain other identifies like a SIP address used for voice conversations over the Internet.