Add a time zone to a set of contactable times

When you add or edit a contactable times set, you can define when the system can contact a particular time zone.

  1. Click Admin.
  2. Under Outbound, click Contactable Time Sets.
  3. Click Add New Time Zone. The Add Time Zone page appears. The purpose of this page is to select a time zone, and then to configure when contact can occur on each day of the week, for that zone.

    Figure shows Add New Time Zone link
    Figure shows screen that appears when a new time zone is defined.
  4. Select a time zone from the Time Zone filtered box. You can type all or part of a time zone name to filter the list of entries. The current user’s local time zone is selected by default.

    Note: This step defines the time that the campaign can contact a time zone during that time zone’s local time. For example, if your local time is Eastern time and you created a contactable time set to dial from 1 PM to 2 PM Central Time, then the campaign can start contacting at 2 PM Eastern Time, which is 1 PM Central Time.

    Figure shows you to filter time zone entries by typing part of a zone name
  5. To configure when a campaign contacts the selected time zone, use one of the following procedures:

    Using the calendar, you can define new time slots by clicking and dragging, or change the duration of time slots by resizing or moving intervals.

    1. Select the Calendar View tab, which is the default.

    2. To create a new time slot, click an empty place in the calendar where the time slot begins. Then drag down to extend duration, releasing the mouse button when finished.

      • To shorten a time slot, drag its handle upward to decrease the duration of time.

      • To increase a time slot, drag its handle downward to increase the duration of time.

      • To reposition a time slot, click inside its borders and drag it to a new position.

    1. Select the Detail View tab.

    2. Each time slot defines when calling can occur for a specific day of the week and one time range within that day. By default, the system defines time slots to dial every day of the week between 9 AM and 5 PM.

      Figure shows default time slots for a time zone

    3. To change start or stop times, click an hour, minute, or AM/PM indicator. To modify the value displayed, type a different value, or use the up and down arrows.

    4. To add another time slot, click the  button. This button duplicates the current entry so that you can constrain dialing to non-contiguous time ranges within a day. An example would be dialing a time zone during business hours but not over the lunch hour.

      Figure shows a duplicated time slot entry.

      Since duplication of a time slot creates time ranges that overlap, edit time ranges for the same day so that they do not overlap:

      figure shows time shots that dial during business hours but not over the lunch hour.

    5. Define, edit, or remove other time slots as needed.

      • To delete time slots, use the - button.

      • Reposition time slots by clicking and dragging the handle in front of each time slot.

      • The edit controls - and + are not available if the user does not have permission to add or remove time ranges.

  6. Click Save.