Add informal pictures to your profile

You can add informal images to your profile.

  1. To access your user settings, click your profile picture in the sidebar. Then click the larger profile picture.Ellen Templar's user settings with her picture in an orange square
  2. In your profile’s Edit Mode, click the camera icon beside your profile picture.
  3. In the Upload Picture dialog box, select the Informal Photos tab, and click Upload.
  4. To add an image, browse your computer to search for an image. Alternatively, drag files into the window, take a picture using your computer’s camera, or enter the web address for an image. 
  5. Adjust the border to size your picture, and click Upload image.
  6. On the Upload Picture pop-up, click Done.
  7. To view informal photos on anyone’s profile, select the informal photos icon on their profile page. 

Note: Genesys Cloud automatically adjusts the image to the optimal dimensions. Genesys recommends a minimum size of 300 x 300 pixels and a maximum size of 10 MB.