Add a co-browse for web chat deployment

Starting January 27, 2025, Genesys will no longer support the Legacy Co-browse for chat and voice functions in Genesys Cloud. Genesys encourages its customers to migrate to the new co-browse for Messenger, which supports web messaging and voice. For more information, see Deprecation: Legacy Co-browse and Screenshare.

  • Co-browse Deployment Manage permission

A deployment identifies your web application to Genesys Cloud co-browse for web chat. Use the deployment key with the co-browse API to enable website visitors to share screens from your website with your agents.

Co-browse sessions have a sharer and up to two viewers:

  • Sharer: The user who shares their screen, usually a customer. 
  • Viewer: The user who sees the shared screen, usually an agent. 

If you have more than one website or business unit to support, then you can create multiple co-browse deployments. For example, you could use deployments to allow viewer control on one site, but not another.

To add a co-browse deployment in Genesys Cloud:

  1. Click Admin.
  2. Under Contact Center, click Co-browse.
  3. Click Add Deployment.
  4. Enter settings for the deployment:
    1. Name
    2. Description
    3. Allowed domains: Only domains listed here can use this co-browse deployment. Wildcards are allowed. For example, *, *,
    4. Mask patterns
    5. Masked CSS Classes
    6. Viewer control enabled: Whether the viewer can request control of the page.
    7. Auto-join enabled
      • On: Sharers automatically join the co-browse session when they navigate to the address for a co-browse session, for example,
      • Off: Sharers must click a button to join the co-browse session after they navigate to the co-browse session address.
    8. Hiding cursors enabled
  5. Click Save.