Series: Architect tutorial for advanced users

Advanced lesson: Configure the in-queue flow

Architect supplies a built-in Default In-Queue Flow, but you can create and use additional in-queue flows to suit your company specifications and preferences.

You can customize the default in-queue flow to create a more personalized hold process catered to your organization. You cannot; however, edit the name or description of the default in-queue flow. 

Note: In this lesson, you will learn about building the in-queue task, and you will use such actions as Hold Music (exclusive to the in-queue flow) and Loop.


Edit the default in-queue flow to customize the hold experience for customers who must wait for an agent. In this example, the company is a tourism and event planning company.

Estimated time to complete: 15 minutes


  • Review About the in-queue flow and Loop action.
  • Download and extract the ShineLocal hold music .wav file.
  • Under User Prompts, create a new prompt titled ShineLocal and import the extracted .wav file for use at the end of the task sequence.

Additional resources


  1. Click the Flows tab and select In-Queue Call.
  2. Click the Default In-Queue Flow.
  3. Click Edit if the flow is not open for edit.
  4. In the In-Queue Task design area, drag a Play Audio action into the area between the Start box and the Hold Music action and in the Play Audio design area, do the following:
    1. Name the action Message 1.
    2. Add text-to-speech for the first message: Thanks for waiting. Please hold on, we’ll be right with you. Don’t forget to check out our website for the latest scoop on area attractions and family activities, and to get the skinny on local restaurants, nightlife, and shopping!
  5. In the task editor, leave the existing Hold Music action unchanged.
  6. Drag a Play Audio action into the task editor just below the Hold Music action and in the Play Audio design area, do the following:
    1. Name the action Message 2.
    2. Add text-to-speech for the first message: We want to make sure you find our city as fantastic as we do! Until a team member is free to help plan your experience, please enjoy some uninterrupted music from one of our local Shine Indy musicians. We will be with you shortly.


  1. From the Toolbox, drag a Loop action into the task editor just below the last Play Audio action.
  2. In the Loop design area, name the action Hold music loop.
  3. Change the loop count to 5.
  4. In the Current Index Data Name, type Flow.LoopCount.
  5. Drag a Hold Music action below the Loop action.
  6. Name the action Shine Local Music.
  7. In the Hold Music box, type Prompt.ShineLocal.
  8. Validate and publish. Architect saves the changes and puts the configuration into effect immediately.

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