External learning module best practices

This article lists the best practices to make your middleware interact with the Genesys APIs.

Genesys Cloud can synchronize the systems that are external from the Genesys Cloud platform to the Genesys learning modules.


To create a learning module, the administrator can use the POST /learning/modules  endpoint.


The external module must be a single URL that points to the external learning resource.


“name”: “SMART goals”,
“description”: “This external training takes you through how to create SMART goals.”,
“completionTimeInDays”: 14,
“informSteps”: [
“type”: “Url”,
“name”: “SMART goals”,
“order”: 1,
“value”: “https://myLms.com/courses/1234”
“excludedFromCatalog”: true,
“externalId”: “1234”,
“type”: “External”


To publish a learning module, the administrator can use the POST /api/v2/learning/modules/{moduleId}/publish endpoint.


If you edit a learning module after publishing, then you must republish the module again for the updated version of the module to be assigned to the users. You can hide the modules from the catalog to prevent them from showing up in the list of modules when the supervisor assigns the learning modules via the Workspace Development pages.


To assign a learning module, the administrator can use the POST /api/v2/learning/assignments endpoint.


You can assign a specific version of a learning module to a user. The version of the learning module is only determined when the user starts the assignment. If a user has not started an assignment and a newer version of the module is published, then the latest version of the learning module is automatically assigned to the user.


“moduleId”: “2169a726-31e1-4d69-b161-1b62ccb1c99e”,
“userId”: “1e39d64f-68ff-41cc-8a2e-781cbce08409”,
“recommendedCompletionDate”: “2024-02-01T15:00:00Z”,
“lengthInMinutes”: “60”


Note: The recommendedCompletionDate and the lengthInMinutes are optional overrides. If you do not provide the recommendedCompletionDate and the lengthInMinutes, then their values are based on the values from the module.


You can launch the learning module from Genesys Cloud. During the assignment launch, a cover screen with the module description and cover art is presented. 


When you click to start the assignment, you are redirected to the URL in the module step that points to the external learning resource.


To update the assignment, the external system must send the results of the learning resource to Genesys Cloud via the PATCH /api/v2/learning/modules/{moduleId}/users/{userId}/assignments endpoint. 


This PATCH /api/v2/learning/modules/{moduleId}/users/{userId}/assignments endpoint is gated behind the learning:externalAssignment:edit permission that is not assigned to any roles by default. The endpoint always updates the latest assignment for that user and the learning module.


“state”: “Completed”,
“percentageScore”: 85,
“isPassed”: true

Note: If you have questions about how to create your middleware, Genesys recommends that you contact your partner or Customer Care.