Genesys Agent Assist availability in Genesys Cloud licenses

Genesys Agent Assist is available on Genesys Cloud CX and is also included in the CX agent desktop and the CX digital agent desktop.

The following SKUs are available for Genesys Agent Assist as an add-on:

Product number SKU
GC-170-NV-AANATDIG Genesys Native Agent Assist Digital
GC-170-NV-AANATDIGC Genesys Native Agent Assist Digital Concurrent
GC-170-NV-AANATVOICE Genesys Native Agent Assist Voice*
GC-170-NV-AANATVOICEC Genesys Native Agent Assist Voice Concurrent*

*Genesys Native Agent Assist Voice includes enablement for digital. Customers do not need to purchase both SKUs if they are interested in Genesys Agent Assist for both voice and digital.

For more information, contact your Genesys Cloud representative.

For pricing information, see Genesys Cloud Agent Assist pricing.

Genesys Native Agent Assist packaging

This table summarizes the packaging and availability of Genesys Agent Assist.

Note: Genesys Agent Assist is currently supported for inbound conversations only.


Digital + Voice (Omni)

Digital only Digital + Voice (Omni)
Capability Explanation Genesys Cloud CX 1 Genesys Cloud CX 2 Digital Genesys Cloud CX 3 Digital Genesys Cloud CX 2 Genesys Cloud CX 3

Genesys Knowledge

(supporting capability)

Allows for agents to manually search knowledge during an interaction, and access canned responses from the Agent Assist panel. Enabled through Agent Assist Omni SKU Included Included Included Included
Manual search Enabled through Agent Assist Omni SKU Included Included Included Included
Canned responses Not available Included Included Included Included
Automatic knowledge Allows for the automated retrieval of knowledge during a conversation. Enabled through Agent Assist Omni SKU Enabled through Agent Assist SKU Enabled through Agent Assist SKU Enabled through Agent Assist SKU Enabled through Agent Assist SKU
Real-time transcription* Transcribes the voice conversation.  Enabled through Agent Assist Omni SKU Not available Not available Enabled through Agent Assist SKU Enabled through Agent Assist SKU
Automatic summarization** Summarizes the interaction for the agent. Enabled through Agent Assist Omni SKU Enabled through Agent Assist SKU Enabled through Agent Assist SKU Enabled through Agent Assist SKU Enabled through Agent Assist SKU

* Extended Voice Transcription is only available if you have purchased EVTS

**In the case of BYOC Premises, Genesys Agent Assist for Voice is not available. The reason for that is that real-time summarization, knowledge surfacing and transcription is not possible, because at BYOC Premises, voice transcription occurs after the recording is completed and uploaded.

Supported languages

For more information, see Genesys Cloud supported languages.