Authenticated web messaging attributes

Authenticated web messaging allows only authenticated users to initiate a web messaging session with your agents. These authenticated users must log in to your website or your application before they can send a web message.

After you configure authenticated web messaging, you can access these existing built-in variables in Architect inbound message flows, which store some authenticated user attributes defined as standard claims by OpenId Connect Reference:

Name Type Collection? Read Only? Description
Message.IsAuthenticated Boolean No Yes Returns a value that indicates whether the message is authenticated. True if the authentication was requested for the message when it enters the queue; otherwise, false.
Message.Message.senderAddressInfo.addressDisplayable String No Yes A unique identifier associated with the end user. Provided by the third party authentication provider in the sub claim. String No Yes The end user’s email address. Provided by the third-party authentication provider in the email claim. String No Yes The end user’s full name. Provided by the third-party authentication provider. This address is built from the concatenation of the given_name and family_name claims.