Genesys Cloud - November 3, 2021

Contact center

Monitor ongoing value of predictive routing

Administrators can now evaluate the ongoing value of using predictive routing on a queue. Administrators can compare predictive routing against the standard or bullseye baseline routing method for a particular KPI, using an 80-20 time split mechanism. For more information, see Monitor ongoing value of predictive routing. This feature requires one of the following subscriptions: Genesys Cloud User 1, Genesys Cloud User 2, or Genesys Cloud User 3.

Sentiment analysis columns in Performance views

Administrators and contact center managers can now access sentiment analysis metrics in agents, queues, and flows performance summary and detail views. The views contain columns for sentiment instances, number of times a sentiment was detected, and average sentiment, in a score from -100 to 100. These columns require the Analytics > Speech and Text Analytics Aggregates > View permission, now included in the Master Admin and Supervisor roles. For more information, see Agents Performance Summary viewAgents Performance Detail viewQueues Performance Summary viewQueues Performance Detail viewFlows Performance Summary view, and Flows Performance Detail view. This feature requires the following subscription: Genesys Cloud User 3.

Additional development and feedback modules for agents

Learning managers can now create two additional development and feedback modules for agents: Learning with Assessment and Assessment. The new modules help learning managers to better assess an agent’s knowledge level. In addition, the existing Informational module was renamed as Learning module. For more information, see Create a development and feedback module. This feature requires the following subscription: Genesys Cloud User 3.


Collaborate call functionality on mobile devices deprecation

On November 3, 2021, Genesys removed call functionality from the Collaborate app on mobile devices. For more information, see Deprecation: Remote station calling in the Collaborate app. This feature requires the following subscription: Collaborate.