Access the intent miner

  • Language Understanding > Miner > Add, Delete, Execute, Upload, View permission
  • Language Understanding > Miner Intent > View permission
  • Language Understanding > Draft > Add, Delete, Edit, View permission
  • Routing > Queue > View permission

Use the intent miner to help quickly identify user intents in conversations between customers and agents. Intent miner searches a historical set of conversation chat, message, and voice transcripts between agents and customers for a specified date range. Next, it extracts the top set of intents and the analytics that surround those intents. Finally, it returns a list of utterances that the system associates with that intent to allow for import into the bot configuration. 

Access the intent miner

You can access the intent miner directly from an Architect bot flow or digital bot flow. You can also access intent miner by using a URL specific to the AWS region where your Genesys Cloud organization was created.

Access the intent miner home page from a Genesys Dialog Engine Bot Flow or Genesys Digital Bot Flow

To access the intent miner home page from a Genesys Dialog Engine Bot Flow, perform these steps:

  1. In Architect, open a new or existing Architect bot flow.
  2. Under the Insights and Optimizations menu, click Intent Miner.
  3. To add a new miner, follow these steps:
    1. Click Create a new Miner.
    2. Configure the miner according to your organization’s specifications.
  4. To use and manage an existing miner, click the link for the miner name that you want to open.
  5. To use and restart an existing miner, follow these steps:
    1. Click a miner with a status other than Mining Completed. The Restart Miner page opens.
    2. Review the system messages and make your updates.
  6. Click Restart

Access the intent miner home page from a region-specific URL

Access to the intent miner home page varies by region. Enter the URL as follows: https://apps.[your region’s host]/intent-miner, replacing [your region’s host] with the appropriate Genesys Cloud region. 

AWS Region


US East (N. Virginia)
US West (Oregon)

EU (Ireland)

EU (Frankfurt)

EU (London)

Asia Pacific (Mumbai)
Asia Pacific (Seoul)
Asia Pacific (Sydney)

Asia Pacific (Tokyo)

Canada (Central)