Best practices – What is the best way to generate business value from speech and text analytics?

With speech and text analytics users within your organization can gain deep insight about what occurs within your contact center. 

Speech and text analytics use cases

The following use cases are examples of how your organization can extract valuable information about your business.

Quality Managers and Supervisors can use speech and text analytics output to measure agent performance regarding key skills or behaviors, allowing them to identify areas of focus for coaching or recognition in a much more automated and comprehensive manner. 

Business Analysts can use speech and text analytics results to visualize and explore information that describes business performance based on what was said by customers or agents during the interaction. This can be used to identify issues and find opportunities to improve the business. 

Risk Managers can better protect customers and the business by identifying high risk interactions where there may be complaints or inappropriate agent behavior that should be investigated or mitigated. 

Speech and text analytics best practice example

The following 3 steps represent how to setup and extract speech and text analytics data for the uses cases described above.

Step one

Apply voice transcription to turn the audio from the contact center voice interaction in to structured data (for example, text) that can then be used for large scale analysis. For more information, seeConfigure voice transcription. 

Step two

Define key topics of interest within conversations. The topics of interest will depend on the KPIs (Key Performance Indicator) and use cases you are targeting. For more information, see Work with a topic.

For Quality Managers and Supervisors, decide which agent skills or behaviors you want to track. For example,  

  • Greeting
  • Compliance language
  • Build rapport
  • Express empathy
  • Check for resolution

Most objective evaluation criteria and some subjective evaluation criteria can be measured by detecting phrases within transcripts. 

For Business Analysts, understanding contact reasons is usually the starting point of any improvement program. These contact reasons are usually specific to your business and need some internal discussion to gain consensus on what needs to be tracked, however, some examples are: 

  • Balance inquiry
  • Billing issue
  • Cancel mention
  • Make payment

When defining contact reasons, you should also create topics about specific products or services that your organization provides. Such data will increase your understanding about why customers are contacting you. 

For Risk Managers, detecting phrases that put the business at risk is of utmost importance. This may range from language that indicates fraud by the customer or agent, severe complaints or legal action threatened by customers, or specific compliance language that must be communicated on calls. Topics can be created to watch for these markers in conversations. 

Step three

Study the resulting data in the analytics views to help you determine how you should proceed in light of what the performance data reveals. 

Quality Managers and Supervisors should look at the Topics tab in the Agents View to isolate top and bottom performers with regards to measured skills and behaviors. This information enables you to decide which coaching or recognition opportunities are relevant for the agents involved. 

Business Analysts should look at the Topics Trend view to see if there are any unusual trends in call reasons or mentions of products or services as defined by topics. It is often useful to look at this information according to handle time, to see what types or call reasons result in longer calls. This information enables you to decide what process improvements can be implemented to speed up these interactions. 

Risk Managers should periodically view trends for key topics, or perform Ad Hoc searches in content search to investigate any concerns raised by the business. This information enables you to protect customers and the business. For example, identifying high risk interactions that include complaints or inappropriate agent behavior should be investigated or mitigated.